Baz Bakkari
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party, have never missed the opportunity, since its rise at the beginning of the past decade and till this day, to present themselves to the Islamic world in general and the Arab world in particular, as the expected Mahdi and salvation from the labyrinth they are in, according to the philosophy of the party, the president’s speeches and his media tools. In order for the Turkish President to fulfill his goals, it was necessary to choose mercenaries from the Arabs themselves. Since Erdogan came to power from an Islamic background and a doctrine identical to that of the terrorist Brotherhood, it was evident that the Muslim Brotherhood, along all its branches in the Arab world from the ocean to the Gulf, were Erdogan’s Trojan horse to the Arab world. To be fair, Erdogan and the Brotherhood have already succeeded in attracting the naive and vulnerable classes; to become a popular base that accepts Erdogan's speeches and his masquerade, regarding his false enmity towards Israel, which he used as a hypnotizer to those he impacted in the Arabic world.
ErdoganErdogan really an Israel enemy?
It is easy to refute the Turkish president lie in opposing Israel. According to the latest figures and statistics, the rate of trade exchange between Turkey and Israel has reached approximately 4 billion dollars annually and that rate increased 14%, during the Erdogan era, the supposed archenemy of Israel. Consequently, Erdogan deceives Arabs and Palestinians targeted by Islamic Brotherhood, to present its guardian Erdogan as the Sunnis lion who defends them.
The goal was to create Kurdish-Arabic enmity in Syria
The Turkish president and his party found, in the Syrian situation, their way into another issue, which he established on what the Syrian regime had established for more than 40 years of the Ba’ath Party rule, namely the issue of creating a tension between Kurds and Arabs. This was implemented through several steps to consolidate the idea among Arabs; that Kurds have an existential threat to Arabs and they aim to displace them from their villages and cities. In addition to depicting the Kurds, with all their political and military organizations, as nothing but separatist groups who want to strike the unity of the country and create their own independent entity of Syria. This exact charge is the same of which the regime accused Kurdish militants while arresting them.
He also used the Brotherhood within the Syrian opposition formations, to increase their racist attitudes towards Kurds against the Kurdish fear of their future in Syria after the Ba’ath. Likewise, he attracted, along them, left-wing groups known for their racism towards Kurds and supported them within the frameworks of the opposition.
Armed groups affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood exploitation whose target was Kurdish cities.
Military wise, the Turkish president used the extremist jihadist groups linked to the Muslim Brotherhood to create a rift between Arabs and Kurds by pushing these organizations to strike at Kurdish cities which was since the beginning of arming the Syrian revolution
The beginning was in Serekaniye Ras al-Ain city when he directed the groups associated with him from al-Qaeda, known in Syria as Al-Nusra Front and some factions affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, to attack the Kurdish-majority city. The aggressors raised racist slogans against Kurds. On the first day of the attack, the Kurdish flag, which is a sacred symbol for the Kurds in Syria and in the world as a whole, was violated.
Then he directed his allies in ISIS to attack the Kurdish city of Kobani “Ain al-Arab,” which is also predominantly Kurdish. An attack that was preceded by another attack by armed groups affiliated with the Syrian opposition on Kurdish villages and cities, such as, the Kurdish Tell Arn and Tell Hasil villages.
Media tools exploitation
The President was not satisfied with the military field work, therefore, he also exploited his media tools to achieve his goal, whether through the Turkish or Syrian media, which is affiliated with Turkey and supported by its Arab allies. Hence, those platforms began publishing reports that the Kurds were displacing Arabs from their houses and carrying out mass executions, burning operations and bulldozing Arabic villages so that the Kurds accommodate in their villages which is certainly refuted by reality, however, Erdogan and his companions did not like any Kurdish-Arabic communication.
Later, after the SDF; a force of Arabs, Kurds, Syriacs and the rest of the components of the region, has started its military operations against the terrorist organization ISIS and the succession of ISIS, Turkey's ally, started collapsing day after day. Erdogan's media dedicated hours, episodes and full pages of his newspapers, to publish misleading reports about Kurdish forces' violations against Arabs in the areas they control. However, this also did not work in turning the Arab population of the region on SDF in the manner he wanted, despite groups that supported this Brotherhood media propaganda.
Of course, no one has the right to exonerate SDF from violations that may have occurred, during military operations. However, not in the manner provided by Erdogan's media tools, as an ethnic cleansing of Arabs. Later, before Erdogan started his latest criminal operation that he called the “Euphrates Spring,” his media tools started promoting a new lie, of which its aim was clear to the audience. That is by accusing SDF of assisting Israel and providing it with military headquarters, so that it would strike at military bases belonging to Hezbollah in Iraq. Indeed, he even added to this the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia accusation of financing these operations, by telling fairy tales with the help of Arabs; starting from the global conspiracy against Arabs idea and to show himself and his allies as the biggest obstacle that repels Israel.
Erdogan's shock during his latest aggression
The Turkish president and his allies; the Muslim Brotherhood, have made a bet that there would be a response from the Arabic component in the region, whether in Al-Hasaka or Raqqa, to betray SDF during Turkey's latest aggression in NES, specifically in Tell Abyad and Serekaniye. Even the day before the operation, media organizations affiliated with Turkey published reports about hundreds of Arab dissidents in the ranks of SDF and that they fled to Turkey, however, these did not need refutation, as the facts revealed everything.
Erdogan does not hide his desire to revive his Ottoman ancestors’ glories, as all his movements are in the same direction and he dedicates all his energies to achieve his desired goal. Moreover, he always bets on the sectarian and national tensions in the region. However, the message of the Syrian Jazeera components; from Arabs, Kurds, Syriacs and Armenians, was explicit to Erdogan. As the case of solidarity and mutual support among these components, its rejection of Turkey, its acceptance of the current Self-Administration, despite the opposition of many to it, and preferring it over Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood, was the response that Erdogan has received.
In any case, Erdogan will not stop at this point and he still insists on fragmenting the region societies in order to facilitate his control. Thus, this becomes a duty on the people of the region, as well as on countries, to comprehend Erdogan's aims and work to thwart his project. Also, what is most crucial is to target the forgotten and simple societies that facilitate the reach of Erdogan and his allies of the Muslim Brotherhood and his influence on them.