Title: Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) Issues regarding single women, documents and illegal exit
Place of publication: Denmark
Publisher: The Danish Immigration Service
Release date:2023
The report at hand is the product of a joint mission conducted by the Danish Immigration Service (DIS), the Country of Origin Information Division, and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Asylum Department Copenhagen, to Erbil in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) from 29 October to 9 November 2022.
The purpose of the mission was to collect information on three issues recurring in cases regarding Iraqi asylum seekers in Denmark:
a) Situation of single women in KRI
b) Documents in KRI
c) Exit via Erbil International Airport (EIA)
The report focuses on the general situation of single women, including their access to protection. The report also deals with the prevalence of forged documents. Finally, security checks at EIA and possibility to leave KRI via EIA by paying bribe is a third subject for the report.