Veteran Peshmerga and member of the leadership of the PUK. Full name (Mustafa Qadir Mahmoud). Born in (1946) in Sulaymaniyah. He started his primary education in
1954 at Malik Ghazi School in Sulaymaniyah and continued his education until the ninth grade.
His political career began in 1962, when he joined the Iraqi Communist Party. When the party split in 1967, he supported the central leadership wing led by Aziz Haj. During this time he became a member of the Kurdistan branch of the party.
In 1973, he left the central leadership wing of the Communist Party and joined the Kurdistan Democratic Party. In 1974, after the resumption of the war between the Kurds and the Iraqi government, he joined the ranks of the revolution and received the rank of branch commander in the Peshmerga. After the collapse of the revolution in 1975, he fled to Iran and left the following year to settle in the Netherlands.
There he joined the Kurdistan Workers' Association and supported the program of resuming the armed struggle. In 1977, he went to Syria and from there he entered the Bradost region with the initial detachments through Turkish territory. After Talabani's return and the first meeting of the PUK leadership committee in late August and early September, he left for Sharbazher in December with the convoy of Nusrewan Mustafa, who had been appointed commander of the Sharbazher region. The following year, he was appointed commander of the 3rd region of Sharbazher and after the martyrdom of Faisal Rashid Talabani, commander of the 5th region of Karadag in 1979, he became the commander of that region and remained there until 1982.
1982 and 1985, he served as a member of the military bureau. Between
1985 and 1987, he was appointed as a member of the military bureau of the second headquarters in Sargalo.
On November 24, 1987, a servant of the Ba'ath regime poisoned his food in the village of Marga, killing his mother and two other members of the household. He and several others, including Dr. Mahmoud Osman and Adnan Mufti, were rushed to Iran for treatment and from there to Britain.
After the
1991 uprising, he returned to Kurdistan and was appointed commander of the Erbil army the following year. In 1992, he was elected as a member of the leadership committee of thePatriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).
He was elected to the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on the PUK List in the same year. He resigned from the parliament and was appointed the first governor of Kirkuk in Darbandikhan.
In 1994, he resigned as governor and became head of the 8th Raperin headquarters in Ranya. When conflict broke out in Qaladze between the PUK and the PDK, he made every effort to prevent the spread of the conflict.
In 1999, he was appointed head of the Peshmerga Organization Center and in the same year he was entrusted with the responsibility of the Kurdish Relations Bureau.
In 2001, he was re-elected as a member of the leadership and in 2006, he was appointed head of the Peshmerga organization headquarters. In 2010, he was re-elected as a member of the leadership council for the third time at the third congress of the PUK.