Title: The Kurdistan region of Iraq : assessing the economic and social impact of the Syrian conflict and
Place of publication: US
Publisher: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank
Release date: 2015
The Kurdistan Region of the Republic of Iraq (KRI) is a constitutionally recognized semiautonomous region in northern Iraq with a population of 5.1 million (2012 estimate). Its government (the KRG), based in Erbil, has the right, under the Iraqi constitution of 2005, to exercise legislative, executive, and judicial powers according to the constitution, except in what is listed therein as exclusive powers of the federal authorities. This ESIA report is organized in three chapters: (1) the macro fiscal impact of the crises, (2) the social development impact of the crises, and (3) the infrastructure impact of the crises. Under the macro fiscal impact of the crises, macroeconomic and fiscal implications are analyzed with a focus impact on trade in goods and services, the private sector, and financial services. The social development impact of the crises identified impact and stabilization costs in the health and education sectors, as well as for food security and agricultural livelihood, poverty and welfare, social assistance and labor, housing and shelter, and social cohesion and citizen security. The final chapter on the impact of the conflicts on infrastructure focuses on water and sanitation, solid waste management, and the energy and transportation sectors.