Osman Hamad Khadr, also known as Osman Dashti, was born in
1952 in Mastawa village of Qushtapa township of Erbil, South Kurdistan.
He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Erbil between 1960-1972. He started writing in the field of literature and journalism in 1970. He became a Peshmerga in the September Revolution in 1974-1975.
He worked as a teacher in rural schools in Pishder and Ranya between 1975-1982 and in the Kurdistan People's Revolution (1982-1989).
After the
1991 spring uprising of the people of South Kurdistan, he returned to school and graduated from the Kurdish Language Department of the College of Education of Salahaddin University in 1992-1996.
In 2001, he obtained a master's degree in Kurdish literature from the College of Language of Salahaddin University.
In 2007, he received his PhD in Kurdish Literature from the College of Language of Salahaddin University.
As of the date of writing this biography, he has published 15 books in the fields of poetry, literature, research, literary criticism, and 20 articles and scientific research in journals of universities in the Kurdistan Region and abroad. In the field of journalism, he published several literary and public culture articles in newspapers and magazines between 1990-2020.
He has supervised several master's and doctoral theses and has participated in several scientific conferences in Kurdistan universities and international conferences inside and outside the Kurdistan Region.
He is a member of Kurdistan Union of Journalists, International Union of World Journalists, Kurdish Writers Union. He is an active member of Kurdish Academy. He is a teacher as professor, at the College of Education, Koya University.
He is married and has two daughters and three sons named Sawen, Arian, Hezha, Rozha and Kale.