Title: ‘Till Martyrdom Do Us Part’: Gender and the
ISISISIS Phenomenon
Author: Erin Marie Saltman, Melanie Smith
Place of publication: UK
Publisher: nstitute for Strategic Dialogue
Release date: 2015
This report explores the phenomenon of Western females traveling to Syria and Iraq in support of ISIS. It first elaborates upon the motivations for these women and girls to migrate, explores some of the diverse range of profiles that have been monitored, and clarifies the role that they are likely to encompass once arriving in ISIS-held territory. Additionally, the report aims to elucidate how current government prevention and de-radicalisation infrastructure may be adapted to deal with this trend.
[1] Kitabı okuyun: ‘Till Martyrdom Do Us Part’: Gender and the ISIS Phenomenon
Toplam indirme:
235 kez
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