Name Of The Place: Izzedine Sher Mosque and school.
Location Of The Place: Gewaş/Van/Northern Kurdistan
Type Of The Place: Archaeological
The Year Of The Construction: 1390-1423
Brief about the place
(Izzedine Sher Mosque and School) is located in the city of Gewaş, in the Northern Kurdistan Province of Van, this archaeological Mosque and School is one of the important places in the Kurdish archaeological history and it’s an interesting place to visit and (Izzedine Sher Mosque and School) was built in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries AD, by the Kurdish prince (Izzedine Sher,
1390 AD -
1423 AD), the founder of the Kurdish Emirate of Hakkari, The building (Ezzedine Sher Mosque and School) consists of a square plan mosque and a school adjacent to the northern wall. Through a gate located in the northern part of the western facade of the building, one can access the schoolyard, and from there to the mosque through a second door. The mosque has a dome in front of the mihrab and two courtyards. As for the buildings in the north, they are covered with transverse cylindrical vaults. The sections on either side of the dome were evaluated as spaces with vertical barrel vaults, There is a five-sided mihrab in the middle of the qibla wall. Soft-cut stone material was used in the construction of (Ezzedine Shire Mosque and School). It is located in (Izzadin Shir Mosque and School), the tomb of the Kurdish Emir (Izzadin Sher,
1390 AD -
1423 AD), the founder of the Kurdish Emirate of Hakkari.
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