ŞırnakŞırnak Provincial Organization of the Peoples' Democratic Party (
HDPHDP) protested the tree cutting carried out by the AKP-MHP government: “We are raising our voice against the tree cutting and want to reach out to the peoples of Turkey.
The cutting of trees carried out under the supervision of the Turkish state officials and village guards continues in the Besta Region of Şırnak province. HDP’s Şırnak Provincial Organization made a press statement in front of the party's headquarters on Monday to protest against the ongoing tree cutting in the region. HDP Şırnak Deputy Hasan Özgüneş, HDP provincial administrators, DBP (Democratic Regions Party) Şırnak Provincial Organization, Peace Mothers and Free Women's Movement (TJA) activists and numerous other people attended the press briefing.
“Places designated as 'safe zones' in Kurdistan have become areas where laws are disregarded, and authorized persons are allowed to do whatever they want. The government-appointed governors, district governors, policemen and soldiers have unlimited state authority in these areas. These authorized persons and institutions feel free to implement any kind of looting and rent-seeking policies in these areas without any care for nature and habitats. They think that they can hide the looting of nature by banning press members and local people from going there using their unlimited authority. They not only cut down trees, but also do harm to the history, future and all forms of life in the region,” HDP Şırnak Centre Co-Chair Kamuran Demir said.
Demir called for everyone to raise their voice against the tree cutting; “There is an attack on the lands of Kurdistan. These attacks are part of the hostility towards the Kurds. Destruction of nature has become systematic in the region. The area has been opened to looting in a conscious and planned way. We are raising our voice against this ecocide, and we want to reach out to the peoples of Turkey,” Demir said.
“They have no conscience. They are after allocating resources to their supporters. They destroy forests citing security concerns without considering outcomes,” HDP Deputy Hasan Özgüneş said.
[1] کوردیپێدیا بەرپرس نییە ل ناڤەڕۆکا ئەڤێ تۆمارێ و خودیێ وێ ژێڕە بەرپرسیارە. کوردیپێدیا ب مەرەما ئەرشیڤکرنێ تۆمار کرییە.
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