- He was born in the year
1975 in Silo neighborhood in the city of Erbil, South Kurdistan.
- He is married and has four daughters and a son.
- In the year
1987 he started playing football for the Minara national team and later in the year1989 he joined the Skka team.
- In 1989, Dilshad Salih invited him to Erbil youth team. Later, he broke his hand during rehearsals and stopped playing football.
- In
1990 he joined the youth cycling team of Erbil Sports Club and was there until
1993 under the supervision of coach Mohsin Aziz.
- In 1992, he won the second place in the Iraqi league in the individual and general (youth) and his team was first.
- In 1993, he won the first place in the Iraqi league in individual and general (youth).
- In 1994, he joined the advanced team of Biryati Club and remained with the team until 1996, when they won the first place in Kurdistan in most competitions.
- After a separation for several years, in
2003 and
2004 he continued to play for the team of Biryati.
- In 2004, he was appointed assistant coach of the boys' advanced team of Biryati.
- In
2005 and 2006, he coached both youth and adult teams of Biryati.
- In 2006, he became the coach of the girls' team of Biryati
His results were as follows: In
2006 they won the third place in Iraq, in
2007 they won the first place in Iraq, in
2008 they won the second place in Iraq, in 2009, they won the first place in two rounds and qualified for the semi-finals of the Iraqi Club League.