He was born on 08-06-1947 in Ban Mil village of Khanaqin.
On 18-09-1954 he went to Karez school in Karez village of Khanaqin and completed his primary education in
He graduated from secondary school in Khanaqin in 1967.
He then entered the Teachers' Institute in Baquba and graduated successfully.
He was a bright student and participated in dozens of student activities.
After graduating from the institute, he became a teacher in the village of Buhrz in Diyala province.
In 1971, he entered the College of Physics at Mustansiriyah University in Baghdad.
During this time, he joined the Kurdistan Marxist-Leninist Committee, which later became the Kurdistan Workers' Committee.
After two years of study, he became a Peshmerga in 1974 with the resumption of the war between the Kurdish revolution and the Ba'ath regime.
After the fall of the revolution, he returned to the city in 1975 and continued his party work and underground struggle.
In the same year, he fell into the hands of the enemy and was imprisoned with the first group of Komala activists.
From 1975 to 1979, he was tortured in Khasa, Faziliyah and Abu Ghraib security prisons.
During that time, he was an example of resistance.
On 17-04-1980 he joined the Peshmerga forces of the PUK. He first became a political leader in the second region, then he was in charge of the Choman organization sector. After the second conference of Komala, he became in charge of the second organization of Komala, and then the first headquarters.
Jabar Farman was a capable military officer and participated in hundreds of battles of the Peshmerga forces.
He also supervised and commanded many battles and confrontations that raised the morale of the Peshmerga and the Kurdish people and in return the enemy suffered a major defeat.
In 1988, he became the representative of the PUK in the Executive Bureau of the Kurdistan Front.
In 1990, he fought in Syria under the same title.
In 1991, he returned to Kurdistan with Mam Jalal Talabani during the uprising.
He played a key role in the second uprising of the people of Sulaymaniyah.
In 1991, he played a significant role in the establishment of the military college and the reconstruction of the revolutionary hospital.
In 1992, he was appointed head of the military bureau of the PUK.
In 1992, he founded the Garmaser Cultural and Social Center.
In 1995, he was appointed Minister of Peshmerga and Interior Minister.
In the same year, he was appointed Minister of Education and then Acting Minister of Municipalities.
In 1999, he was appointed Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Kurdistan Peshmerga Forces.
In the same year, he founded the Peshmerga Sports Club and became its president.
He was a member of the Political Bureau of the PUK.
Unfortunately, he suffered from a terrible illness several years before his death.
Despite the continuous efforts of the PUK to treat him and bring him to many countries, he finally passed away on 09-08-2007 in Sulaymaniyah.[1]