Adel Bakhawan is a Kurdish writer and sociologist. From the age of 13 to the age of 27, Adel Bakhawan was involved in various programs with the Voice No to the Ba'ath regime programs. At the age of 17, he was arrested by the regime. After hiding and escaping, his father and older brother were taken to prison and tortured. After the Kurdish uprising and civil war, he left Kurdistan in 1999 and settled in France. The difficult political life of Kurdistan did not allow him to complete his studies in his homeland, so he started his studies in France and obtained a bachelor's degree in sociology from the University of Lyon. Master in Sociology, School of Higher Education of Social Sciences, Paris. Ph.D. in Sociology, School of Higher Education of Social Sciences, Paris. Adel Bakhawan received his master's and doctoral degrees under the supervision of Olivier Roy, which made it easier for him to work in France. He currently teaches sociology at the University of Everett and is an associate researcher at the School of Social Sciences in Paris.
Products :
Keywan: Novel, Sulaymaniyah: Be Pakhshanga, 1998.
Islamic Kurdistan in Hama Saad Hassan's Slander, Be Shuwen: Be Pakhshanga, 1998.
Understanding West-Islam: Encounter, Mixing, Building Each Other, Sulaimani, 2006.
Understanding from Faisal to Talabani: Post-Saddam Iraq in the Test of Democracy, Sulaimani: Ranj Library, 2006.
Terrorism as Social Construction, Sulaymaniyah: Sardam Publishing House, Sardam Book No. 403, 2007.
Kurdistan in the Test of Nationalism, Islamism, Terrorism, Sulaymaniyah: Hamdi Library, 2010.
End of Secularism, Sulaymaniyah: Ranj Library, 2006.
Black Society, Sulaymaniyah: Andesha Library, 2013.
Sociology of Social Movements, Sulaymaniyah: Ghazalnoos Center, 2015.
Sociology of Violence, Sulaymaniyah: Ghazalnoos Center, 2015.
Sociology of Religion
Political Sociology
What is religion, translated by Adel Bakhawan, #Sulaymaniyah# : Sardam Publishing House, 2008.
Secularism against Islam, translated by Adel Bakhawan, Sulaymaniyah: Jamal Irfan Printing House, 2016.
Religion in Democracy, translated by Adel Bakhawan, Sulaymaniyah: Jamal Irfan Library, 2016.[1]