Title: Displaced people from
AfrinAfrin Canton in Shahba, Northern Syria and surroundings areas
Place of publication:
Publisher: Democratic Self Administration of Afrin
Release date: 2018
The invasion of Afrin by the Turkish army led to a mass displacement of Afrin’s population. Under imminent threat of kidnap, torture, rape or massacre by the invading alliance of Islamist forces, the majority of Afrin’s citizens were forced to flee their homes. From the start of the invasion on 20th January 2018, the civil population suffered numer-ous casualties from indiscriminate shelling and airstrikes. Massacres were inevitable when Turkish aircraft targeted civilian buildings. For example, on 21st January in Jilboul village (Sherawa District), 11 civilians were killed and 8 others injured in an airstrike*
Between 20th January and 18th March 2018, according to an official count, 262 civilians have been killed by the invading forces. At least 706** have been injured. In the last days of the invasion (14th - 18th March) the number of civilian casualties increased sharply, due to continual artillery and airstrikes on the city.