Title: Khor Mor 250A MMscfd Expansion for KM500 Gas Treatment Plant, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Author: Robert Gould
Release date: 2020
Pearl Petroleum’s investment in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq's (KRI) gas project represents one of the largest private sector investments in the KRI’s oil and gas sector and provides plentiful, reliable and affordable electricity supply to over four million Iraqis. It is also achieving over US 1.7 billion of recurring annual savings in fuel costs for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) because of the migration from diesel-to-gas to fuel the power plants. The direct project benefits to the KRG arising from this migration from inception to June
2019 is c.21.9bn. From an environmental perspective, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as a result of this switch at both power stations is valued at about 421 million per annum.