Almas Khan-e Kanoule'ei is one of the famous Kurd poets in the twelfth century A.H. Although researchers have frequently pointed to his literary works, no careful research has so far been done on his life and poetry. Almas Khan-e Kanoule'ei is famous for the lyrics ascribed to him. This paper, is an attempt to criticize the views of researchers based on the manuscripts that belong to Almas Khan for certain, and reveal some of his opinion and beliefs. Outstanding subjects dealt with in this paper are his name, pseudonym, descent, date of birth and death, place of birth and burial, and his beliefs. Finally, his manuscripts in the libraries of Iran and the world are introduced.
Some of his works include:
-Kurdish Shahnameh(His most famous work is a collection of legends and epic stories of the people of southern Kurdistan)
-Cat and Mouse (Fiction Poetry)
-khorshid o kharaman
-haft lashkar
-nader nameh
-shirin va farhad
about Kurdish borzu nameh or Shahnameh:
Kurdish Shahnameh,Which is, of course, to say borzu nameh,is a collection of epic poems that has been passed from mouth to mouth, as part of Kurdish oral tradition. The Kurdish poet Sarhang Almas Khan collected and wrote most of the Kurdish Shahnameh in the eighteenth century. However, older manuscripts of the Kurdish Shahnameh are available. There are several differences between the Kurdish Shahnameh and Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, notably the poems of the former are written in Kurdish rather than Persian and there are several characters that are not mentioned in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh.[1]
The lyric poetry collection Khurshid and Kharaman is the love
sory of Khurshid, an Easern Prince, and Kharaman, daughter of
a Chinese Emperor. This collection is composed in local language
(Gorani Kurdish dialect) in the form of manuscripts that are found
among the noble families in such regions as south of Kurdisan, Kermanshah, north of Ilam, Asad Abad in Hamedan province, and wes
of Loresan. The literati of these regions recognize Almas Khan-e
Kanoule’ei, the great poet of the twelfth century in Hijri calendar, as
the poet of the collection. Although people are interesed in epic and
lyric poems of this kind, and these poems were once quoted in their
circles, little has been done to collect, and publish these scripts. The
present sudy aims to introduce the lyric poetry collection Khurshid
and Kharaman using a descriptive-analytical approach. Firs, a short
biography of Almas Khan is presented. After that, a summary of the
sory is given. Next, a brief look is cas on the sructure and content of this collection including: its formal elements (form, rhyme,
row, and descriptions), type and elements of the sory (point of view,
character, tone, space, marvel elements, dialogue, and suspense).
Finally, the collection is compared with other lyric and lyric-epic
poetry collections in Persian literature.
:Cat and Mouse
The cats and mice are critically and cynically, with a humorous tune.
In this work, he describes the historical situation of Nader Shah Afshar's time.
In this work, the parties to the respective wars have been symbolically introduced...