کوردیی ناوەڕاست - Central Kurdish 292,815
Kurmancî - Upper Kurdish (Latin) 91,116
هەورامی - Kurdish Hawrami 66,445
عربي - Arabic 32,956
کرمانجی - Upper Kurdish (Arami) 20,444
فارسی - Farsi 11,726
English - English 7,854
Türkçe - Turkish 3,690
Deutsch - German 1,837
لوڕی - Kurdish Luri 1,690
Pусский - Russian 1,144
Français - French 349
Nederlands - Dutch 131
Zazakî - Kurdish Zazaki 91
Svenska - Swedish 72
Polski - Polish 56
Español - Spanish 55
Italiano - Italian 52
Հայերեն - Armenian 52
لەکی - Kurdish Laki 37
Azərbaycanca - Azerbaijani 27
日本人 - Japanese 21
中国的 - Chinese 20
Norsk - Norwegian 18
Ελληνική - Greek 16
עברית - Hebrew 16
Fins - Finnish 12
Português - Portuguese 10
Тоҷикӣ - Tajik 9
Ozbek - Uzbek 7
Esperanto - Esperanto 7
Catalana - Catalana 6
Čeština - Czech 5
ქართველი - Georgian 5
Srpski - Serbian 4
Kiswahili سَوَاحِلي - 3
Hrvatski - Croatian 3
балгарская - Bulgarian 2
हिन्दी - Hindi 2
Lietuvių - Lithuanian 2
қазақ - Kazakh 1
Cebuano - Cebuano 1
ترکمانی - Turkman (Arami Script) 1
Group English
Parties & Organizations 36
Clan - the tribe - the sect 18
Environment of Kurdistan 1
Honour-based violence (HBV) and Honour-based Killings in Iraqi Kurdistan and in the Kurdish Diaspora in the UK We are sorry for the banning of Kurdipedia in the north and east of the country by the Turkish and Persian invaders
Group: Library | Articles language: English - English
Linked items: 4 Items Property Technical Metadata Added by ( Hawreh Bakhawan ) on 14-10-2013 This item recently updated by ( Hawreh Bakhawan ) on: 14-10-2013 Title This item according to Kurdipedia's Standards is not finalized yet! This item has been viewed 1,932 times Attached files - Version Type |
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14-10-2013 | Hawreh BakhawanH.B. |