Title: Local Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Kurdistan Region - Iraq
Publisher: UNDP
Release date: 2024
Climate change has become the most common threat to human resilience and development and adapting to Climate Change is becoming an essential component of any planning processes, at any time and at all levels. The Environmental Protection and Improvement Board (EPIB) together with the United Nationasl Development Programme (UNDP) launched an initiative aimed at designing a Local Adaptation Plan (LAP) to enhance national adaptive capacity and resilience in the Kurdistan region to reduce vulnerability to the impacts of Cclimate Cchange. This document is complementary to the effort Iraq is making developing its National Adaptation Plan (NAP), and the country's national Climate Change adaptation sectoral targets in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).
This report forms part of the country’s activities to comply with international environmental agreements. It includes analysis of baseline scenarios and projected climate change scenarios and their impact on specific sectors in different provinces of Kurdistan region of Iraq. The report presents a blueprint of the actions needed to adapt to climate change in Kurdistan.[1]