Title:Iraqi Kurdistan and Beyond: the EU’S Stakes
Author: Ariz Kader , Eduard Soler i Lecha
Place of publication: Italy
Publisher: IAI
Release date: 2018
In 2017, Iraq and the wider region saw events that dramatically changed their political and societal realities. The year’s monumental events included not only the territorial defeat of the so-called Islamic State but also the Iraqi Kurdistan referendum and the retaking of the disputed areas by Iraqi forces loyal to Baghdad. The effects of those events will be felt in 2018 and beyond and have implications for any actor with stakes in the Middle East. The European Union is one such actor. There are several elements that could push the EU to modify its Iraq policy. If it does so, institutionbuilding and reconciliation between Iraqis, including the Kurds, will be key components. This paper argues that there is room to achieve positive results whose effects could stretch beyond Iraq itself.[1]