Written by Azad Karimi
When |! came back from university in the evening, I was so tired that I almost fainted. My mother quickly came up to me and said, give me? Did you bring the candles?! I replied: No! I forgot! My mother was very upset,obviously not expecting me to respond like that.
She passed me and went to the room opposite the living room, the room where my grandfather's picture hung in a wooden frame, and since I opened my eyes it has been in that frame hanging on the wall. When our house was in Sagez and now in Tehran, this picture is in this frame and on the wall of the room where my father rests and sleeps. Of course, my father only rests when he is asleep, otherwise, he will be doing what he thinks is necessary until he sleeps such as reading historic books, Dusting his pants, Ironing his clothes, calling printing houses, and equipment for writing items such as the office of Bick, various paper companies, colorful papers, classic Thermal, paper needles, glue, paper tape, notebooks, and pencils. [1]
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