#Aziz Gardi# , whose full name is Aziz Ahmad Abdullah, was born in 1947, he loved learning since an early age, But when he finds himself in front of his primary school teachers; they make his love and desire for information to decline, and until they disappear.
Then the thirst for poetry and literature takes hold of him and drowns him in the bottomless stream of Nali's poetry and Khalili Farahidi's rhymes. From here, Aziz Gardi became interested in scientific studies and after settling in #Erbil# in 1968; He sees the unemployment in front of him on the one hand and the public library open in front of him on the other. Thus, what books are there on the sciences of psychology and rhyme; He completely finishes them and slowly writes them down. Until as he said: (With each book I read, I wrote down my own notes and pencils, until I filled several notebooks...). Aziz Gardi wrote his first work it in three volumes in 1968 and 1969 and published it in the early 1970s. Then his books: Comparative Literature, Kurdish Essays, Leader of Kurdish Classical Poetry, etc. Until today his works were not cut off and bloomed continuously. Aziz Gardi is considered to be the master of classical rhyme and his Kurdish book on the subject subject of books on rhyme is a favorite of those who want to learn about the science of rhyme. Maybe only few people and Aziz Gardi himself know that the Aziz Gardi's language ship has been seen in the sea of several languages and is trying to chase their storms. However, what is known as translation is that he understands the languages of Persian, Arabic, French and English as Kurdish. He received his master's degree in 1994 and his doctorate in 1999. His thesis was published by Aras Publishing House in the same year which made thousands of information available for the Kurdish audience and readers. Aziz Gardi taught in several schools and then after graduating from the College of Arts, he became a teacher in the Kurdish language department, He resigned from his teaching job for the sake of his translation job and kept staying in a corner of his house translating. The sea of writing will keep this man in himself will not let anyone look around.
Aziz Gardi will continue to translate to Kurdish language until 2022.
Aziz Gardi Unfortunately passed away on 06-06-2022.[1]
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