Sayed Kamil Imami, a poet and patriot, also known as Awat, was born in 1903 in the village of Zanbil in Bokan, East Kurdistan. This poet was the son of Sayyid Abdul Hakim, son of Sayyid Abdul Karim Zanbil, who was one of the leaders of the Naqshbandi and Qadiri sects.
This poet was brought up among the educated and jurist. Sayed Kamil studied with many well-known religious teachers in the region and for a while with his uncle, Haji Babasheikh, the minister of the Kurdistan Republic in Mahabad.
He was arrested in 1946 for his patriotic position and imprisoned in Bokan, Saqiz, Urmia and Mahabad prisons for two years. Sayed Kamil Imami Shair was close friends with many poets and artists of that time such as Suwara Ilkhanizadeh, Hazhar, Abbas Haqiqi and also with the famous Kurdish artist Hassan Zirak as a singer and poet.
Awat himself says:
In 1309 (1930) I dropped out of school due to my father's illness and I got married. Finally, my father died in 1313 (1934). After a year, my family moved to Ashi Chomi Zanbil and I stayed there for a year, and I spent my time working in agriculture. My friends may know that from the beginning of my life I worked against the Shah's regime with my hands, pen, writing, speech, and weapons.
Hazhar said about Awat:
Regarding Kamil Shah's poetry, it is not for me to say that it is good. In my opinion, no Kurdish speaker can photograph the Kurdish spring like Mr. Kamil. It is not surprising that he has lived in the countryside and mountains of Kurdistan all his life. His mind is very clear and he can store up everything he sees in his mind and show it to us very clearly.
He died on 27-07-1989 and left behind a book of poetry.[1]