Dr. Rıfat Aydın
Nationalism, representing the ideological core of the nation-states that emerged as the institutional structuring of the modern era; It played an important role in the development of the meaning of the nations in the historical process. This constructive role is seen in many parts of the world today. Nationalism that massifies a similar ideological excitement in geographies whose socio-economic levels, cultural capitals or identity definitions are quite different; It maintains a secular religious function through the symbols and myths produced in the formation of the power and legitimacy of states or ethnic groups. In other words, nationalism rests on the power of symbols and myths while building an ethnic group as a nation. In this context, the study examined the role of symbols and myths within the framework of the power of nationalism in building nations. Kurdish nationalism was the subject of this study. In this regard, the relationship between Kurdish nationalism and symbols and myths was examined in a historical context. In addition, the ideological methods used by Kurdish nationalism in forming the symbols and myths of the Kurdish intellectual in its development are also discussed. In this context, Diyarbakır Prison as a nationalist symbolization and Öcalan, the leader of the terrorist organization PKK, have been analyzed in the context of the relationship between nationalism and symbol production. On the other hand, the story of Demirci Kawa and Nevruz celebrations are also evaluated in the axis of Kurdish nationalism as a mythical nationalist discourse. In addition, while making these analyzes, the points where discourse and reality blur with a critical perspective are also revealed.[1]
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