Title: Liberating Life: Woman's Revolution
Author: Abdullah Öcalan
Translated by: International Initiative
Language of Translation: Turkish
Place of publication: Germany
Publisher: International Initiative Edition
Release date: 2013
Liberating life is impossible without a radical women's revolution which would change man's mentality and life. If we are unable to make peace between man and life and life and woman, happiness is but a vain hope. Gender revolution is not just about woman. It is about the five thousand years old civilisation of classed society which has left man worse off than woman. Thus, this gender revolution would simultaneously mean man's liberation. I have often written about total divorce , i.e. the ability to divorce from the five thousand years old culture of male domination. The female and male gender identities that we know today are constructs that were formed much later than the biological female and male. Woman has been exploited for thousands of years according to this constructed identity; never acknowledged for her labour. Man has to overcome always seeing woman as wife, sister, or lover – stereotypes forged by tradition and modernity. [1]
קרא את הספר: Liberating Life: Woman's Revolution
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