The Dorka Clan
The Dorka clan which is the Rozki clan, and their center was the Emirate of Bitlis, and its emir was Mir Durak Khan al-Badulisi, and it was mentioned by Mir Sharaf Khan al-Badulisi in his book Sharaf Nameh. The clan is located in the four parts of Kurdistan, and the number of its villages is about a hundred villages. A village founded in the Sanjaka Ashitia region in western Kurdistan, which many travelers passed through, including the French traveler Tavernet in the seventeenth century. And the Mufti of Baghdad Al-Alusi in the year 1269 AH, who described it as follows: “We analyzed the village of Dokar, and it includes about a hundred houses, and each of them has reached its limit in distress. It was mentioned by the English traveler James Buckingham, born in England in 1786, from the village of Docker, in his book My Trip to Iraq in 1816. From Nusaybin through the Sinjar Plain, just before noon, we reached another village called Dukar, and we spent the rest of the day in it. All the inhabitants of the villages are Kurds. Among the events of the Durka clan, we mention: the battle that took place between them and the Tayi tribe in the middle of 1600, and as a result, the region was named Ashitya, in relation to the peace agreement that took place. After the battle, the name was circulated to the entire region, and the impact of that battle was also named. The villages and lands north of the city of Tribesbi and the river that passes through it were called Jarh area due to the large number of wounded who occurred during the battle. As a result of that agreement, the Jawala clan, a section of the Al-Tayy tribe, participated with the Durka clan in the Bayandur revolution and the battle of Diyari Mala Abis. In the year 1911, a historic resolve was fulfilled, which was established by Prince Muhammad, nicknamed Al-Mustafaj bin Abbas, the head of the Dorka clan of the Shammar clan, headed by Sheikh Barjis Ma'joun, and following that determination The title of Muhammad Abbas al-Mustafa In the year 1915, the Dorka clan, headed by Prince Muhammad Abbas, protected Christians and Armenians from the Turkish massacres, and in the year 1923, the Dorka clan, headed by Prince Suleiman Abbas, his brother Shuish Abbas, and his nephew Sheikhmos Muhammad Abbas, started the Bayandur revolution and the battle of Diyari Mala Abbas, which they led against the French To take revenge for the martyr Abbas Muhammad Abbas, who was executed by the French officer Rocard, and Rocal was killed and beheaded in retaliation for the martyr Abbas, with the participation of some clans. In 1925, the Durka clan, headed by the Abbas family, supported the revolution of Sheikh Saeed Biran by striking the Turkish outposts along the northern borders, and after the collapse of the Sheikh Saeed revolution Many Kurds, leaders and leaders took refuge in the village of Dokar, and in the year 1926 the first founding conference of the Khoibon Association was held in the village of Dokar with Al Abbas and under the protection of the Dorka clan before its second conference was held in Bhamdoun in #Lebanon# in 1927, and in the 1930s they were among the first clans to demand autonomy for the #Kurds# The French were among the signatories to the petitions that were presented to them.[1] [2]