Kurdipedia is a project that aims to collect all information related to Kurdistan and the Kurdish nation, hoping to one day become the largest Kurdish platform where people can easily find out who is who, where is where, and what is what.
Kurdipedia was created in 2008 by Hawreh Bakhawan.
Kurdipedia is a compound name, consiting of two words: Kurd + pedia, from the suffix of the original Greek word (encyclopedia), which means to know general information. The word Kurdipedia is derived from the Greek word to mean (Knowing Kurdistan) or to mean (Giving information about Kurd and Kurdistan). This word was first derived by the creator of the website.
$Sources of Kurdipedia$
- The records that Kurdipedia's collaborators find on the Internet websites are concentrated in one of the Kurdipedia categories, and sometimes attempts are made to change the misspellings and record them correctly, without modifying the content of the articles. Any article taken from any website will be registered in the source list.
- Articles sent to us by Kurdipedia guests through the registration form. Any article received by any guest, the guest’s name will be used the source of that article. Please let us know if you do not want to be included in Kurdipedia's list of sources.
- Private messages received by Kurdipedia related to the lives and agenda of people who want to be included as an article in this Kurdipedia.
- The articles that are prepared by Kurdipedia collaborators are categorised and concentrated accordingly.
- Interviews conducted by Kurdipedia's collaborators with people in order to write an article about a person, place, organization, publication, or anything else related to Kurdistan and Kurds.
- All articles in the category of dates and events (chronology) until 2010 are taken from the database of Hawre Name, see: Hawrenamah for Kurdistan and Kurdish History - Compiled by: Hawre Baxewan - First Edition - Sardam Publishing House - Series (16) - Roon Printing House - Sulaymaniyah – 1999.
Every entry in Kurdipedia is related to Kurdistan and Kurds in some way. No articles will be entered outside these topics. From this perspective, you sometimes see the life and agenda of a non-Kurdish person, who is either a Kurdish scholar and has a discussion about Kurds or Kurdistan, or is related to a Kurdish event.
Kurdipedia is not affiliated with Wikipedia or any other organization. It is an independent organisation which has it’s own goal and agenda.
Please let Kurdipedia know if any information in this database is not appropriate for you, and do not wish to be displayed here.
Kurdipedia does not use any information or images from any source for commercial purposes.
Kurdipedia continues to check and correct the old articles, such as converting the Solar and Islamic calendars to the Gregorian calendar. Please forgive us for any minute mistakes that might exist in our articles.
Any information taken from Kurdipedia must be accompanied by the source and the name of Kurdipedia.
Kurdipedia's website and database is developed in .NET and - C Sharp and SQL specifically for Kurdipedia Organization. Data and photos are backed up daily on two separate servers to protect them from hacker attacks.
Kurdipedia website has been fully tested on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Google Chrome browsers and works without problems, please let us know if you have any problems.
Thanks to the efforts of our colleague Mr. (Haval Nejad), Kurdipedia became an official organization on 11-11-2013 and was registered in the Office of NGOs in Erbil.
We hope to make Kurdipedia the most resourceful source of information about Kurdistan and the Kurdish nation.
Архивариусы Курдипедии:
Зрян Сарчнари |
Рожгар Киркуки |
Хавре Баххаван |
ئاراس ئیلنجاغی |
ئاراس حسۆ |
ئەسعەد ڕەشید |
ئەمیر سیراجەدین |
ئەڤین تەیفوور |
بەناز جۆڵا |
زریان عەلی |
سارا سەردار |
سارا ک |
سروشت بەکر |
سەریاس ئەحمەد |
شادی ئاکۆیی |
شەنە بەکر |
میلانۆ محەمەد ساڵح |
هومام تاهیر |
هەژار کامەلا |
ڕۆژ هەژار |
ڤەژەن کشتۆ |
کاروان م. ئاکرەیی |
کاکۆ پیران |
کشمیر کەریم ...
Члены Курдипедии
2008 - 2022