Title: Kurdish and Armenian Relations in the Ottoman Kurdish Press (1898-1914)
Author: Ayhan Işık
Place of publication: Istanbul
Publisher: Bilgi University
Release date: 2014
This thesis will focus on two Kurdish newspapers, two journals and one pamphlet from the late Ottoman period and their writers‘ approaches about Armenians. First of all the thesis will discuss the issues of collective identity and multiple identities in the empire and the process of formation of the Kurdish identity in that era, as collective belonging (the consciousness of being a different group had started in the late empire from the 1880s to the end of WWI). In my thesis I will mention that the proto-Kurdish nationalism initially began against Armenians then it rose up against the Ottoman Empire and Turkish nationalism. [1]
Kitab oxuyun: Kurdish and Armenian Relations in the Ottoman Kurdish Press (1898-1914)
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