He was born in #1995# in the town of Choman, he is a third-grade student in the finance and banking department of College of Management and Economics of the university of Salahaddin, in addition to Kurdish he speaks Persian.
He is a talented painter, he likes reading books and he is more interested in reading novels and poetry.
On #16-08-2017#, due to remnants of explosives that was left over between the Iraq and Iran after their war he lost his fingers. [1]
ئەڤ بابەت ب زمانا (English) هاتیە نڤیساندن، کلیک ل ئایکۆنا
بکە ژ بو ڤەکرنا ڤی بابەتی ب ڤی زمانا کو پی هاتیە نڤیساندن!
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ئەڤ بابەتە 710 جار هاتیە دیتن
ڕایا خو دەربارەی ڤی بابەی بنڤێسە!