By Rouben Galichian, 2018.
In this article, the author will attempt to present a balanced, unbiased historic and cartographic view to the reader interested in enhancing their knowledge of how and when the historically Armenian–populated region of Karabagh (Artsakh-in Armenian) was described by various world-famous geographers and depicted by famed cartographers. For this reason, maps reproduced in the article (with the exception of the first image and the first map) are selected from the works of non-Armenian geographers and cartographers, whose maps form the basis of the world cartographic heritage. These documents have been sourced from various libraries across the world. [1]
=KTML_Link_External_Begin=https://www.kurdipedia.org/docviewer.aspx?id=456917&document=0001.PDF=KTML_Link_External_Between=Click to read KARABAGH (ARTSAKH) IN OLD MAPS=KTML_Link_External_End=
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