In his own words:
I am (Ahmad Mustafa Mohammed), I was born on the evening of #08-12-1920# in #Koya# city, Kurdistan. I was born into a well-known and famous but poor family. At those times the first world war had just finished and a big and strange poverty had faced Kurdistan dozens of people were dying due to poverty and hunger in these days that I was born. I was born in those days. When I was born, I heard the sound of poetry, music, birds singing and the beauty of nature. Before going to school at the age of seven, my father was reading for us Persian poems and was translating it to Kurdish for us. Among them the Firdawsi “Shah nama” had a great impact on me. At the age of seven my father gave me to Mullah Asad, where I learned to read and write. I completed the Qur'an and went to primary school in Koya in the year 1929. My teachers were all Kurds, Abdullah Sami and Omar Jalal, Sabri Ismail, etc. There was no secondary school in Koya at that time. When In the year 1937, the first secondary school was opened in Koya I went to secondary school after that I did not go to school anymore and In February 1943, I joined the army to complete my military service, in the year 1943 I was in Baghdad and in 1944 I went to Basra, later I went back to Koya.
He passed away on #10-04-2021#.[1]
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