Kurdistan in Tehran: What the murder of Jina Amini means for the future of Iran.
By Loqman Radpey.
Publication Name: Religion & amp; Ethics, ABC News، 27. Sep. 2022.
The brutal beating of Jina (Mahsa) Amini for not wearing the “proper hijab” and her subsequent murder by the Iranian regime’s “morality police” have dominated the frontpage of newspapers and news sites throughout the world. What was not mentioned in the initial reporting was her true ethnic identity. The victim was not Persian; she was Kurdish, from Eastern Kurdistan (Rojhelat), in Tehran on a visit. She dressed modestly, even conservatively by most standards in the modern world, including the Middle East. Jina Amini was as brave in her own way as the Kurdish female soldiers who defeated the fanatics of Da’esh on the Syrian battlefields. What happened to her is not “religion”; it is perversion. If such an action is condoned and carried out systematically, that is the word that best characterises the regime in Tehran. Her death could precipitate major changes for the Kurds in Eastern Kurdistan, as well as for Iranian citizens in general. [1]
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