Towards A United Kurdistan: Prospects for Kurdish Self-Determination.
By: #Loqman Radpey#
Publication Name: EJIL:Talk.
A century has elapsed since one of history's most hypocritical, enduring, and consequential betrayals of principle. Following World War I (WWI) and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, an independent Kurdistan was about to emerge. In Europe the Treaty of Versailles had implemented the principle of self-determination for ethnically-defined peoples, giving birth to new nation-states. Likewise in the Middle East, the Kurds were promised local autonomy and then independence from the Ottoman Empire within one year by the Treaty of Sèvres (10 August 1920). But the Allies shortly reneged and the Sèvres Treaty was eventually reversed by the Treaty of Lausanne (23 July 1923), forestalling the emergence of Kurdistan as a sovereign state. [1]
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