The status and role of the Yezidi legends and myths. To the question of comparative analysis of Yezidism, Yārisān (Ahl-e Haqq) and Zoroastrianism: a common substratum.
Khanna Omarkhali
The status and role of the Yezidi legends and myths. To the question of comparative analysis of Yezidism, Yārisān (Ahl-e Haqq) and Zoroastrianism: a common substratum?’ Folia Orientalia, 45-46. Cracow, 2009-2010, pp. 197–219.
Publication Date: 2009
کوردیپێدیا جە دلېنەو ئی بابەتۍ ۋەرپەرس نېیەن، خاۋەنو/خاۋەنۊ بابەتەکۍ ۋەرپەرسیارەن. کوردیپێدیا بە مەبەسو ئەرشیڤکەرڎەی ئی بابەتېشە تۊمارە کەرڎېنە.
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