A Yezidi Manuscript: —Mišūr of P’īr Sīnī Bahrī _ P’īrSīnī Dārānī, Its Study and Critical Analysis.
Written by: Мосаки Нодар Зейналович، Dimitri Pirbari, Mirza Sileman Yezdin.
Magazine: Iranian Studies, No.53, 2020
Yezidi mišūrs are one of the rarest written sources on the history and religion of the Yezidis. The special value of mišūrs is that Yezidism is characterized mainly by the oral transmission of religious tradition. The article provides an overview and a description of the four versions of Mišūr of P'īr Sīnī Bahrī/P'īr Sīnī Dārānī (Mişûr of Pîr Sînî Behrî/ Pîr Sînî Daranî), one of which is thought to be produced in 604/1207 or 1208, making it one of the earliest sources of Yezidi history and religion. A collaborative version of the document is presented based on these four versions. Yezidi mišūrs belong to certain lineages of P'īrs and represent certificates of recognition of those lineages and those Yezidi tribes that were attributed to them as Murids. The manuscript that is examined here is rich in historical data related to the establishment of the Yezidi community. The document also lists the tribes that today are not Yezidi. Furthermore, the mišūr identifies a number of previously unknown followers and associates of Sheikh 'Adi. This data will be instrumental in identifying various features of Yezidism in its formative age. [1]
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