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کوردیپێدیا گۆرەتەرین سەرچەمەی فرەزۋانیی پەی زانیارییە کورڎییا

ھۊرچنۍ گېڵای

ورڎ گېڵای      کیبۆردە

ورڎ گېڵای
نامۍ کورڎیۍ پەی زاڕۊڵا
کڕۆنۆلۆژیاو ڕۇداۋەکا
گلېرۆکریێ بەکاربەری
چنین گېڵۇ؟
ۋەڵاکریێ کوردیپێدیای
پۊلبەڼی، پېڕبەڼی
بابەتۍ ڕېکۆتییە!
تۊمارکەرڎەی بابەتۍ
تۊمارکەرڎەی بابەتۍ تازۍ
کېیاستەی ۋېنەی!
چنین دېیەی تۊ
کوردیپێدیا چ جۊرە زانیاریېۋش پەنەۋازۍ ھەنۍ
مەرجو بەکاربەرڎەی
چنینیی بابەتۍ
چە بارەو ئېمە
ئەڕشیڤگەرۍ کوردیپێدیای
بابەتۍ چە بارەو ئېمە!
لینکو کوردیپێدیا دلۍ لینکا پەلیانەکەو وېتەنە بنیەرە
زېیاڎکەرڎەی / لابەرڎەی ئیمەیلی
ئامارو سەردانیکەرا
ئامارو بابەتۍ
فاڕەڕو فۆنتەکا
فاڕای ڕېکۆتو ڕۊژمارەکا
ۋشکنای ڕانۋیسی
زۋان و بنەزۋانو لاپەڕەکا
لینکۍ پەنەۋازۍ
زېیاڎکریاو کوردیپێدیای پەی گوگڵ کڕۆمی
کوردیی ناوەڕاست
کرمانجی - کوردیی سەروو
Kurmancî - Kurdîy Serû
ھەژمارو من
بۇ بە ھامکارو شمە!
کڕېڵەۋاچۊ وېت ۋیرشېیېنە!
گېڵای تۊمارکەرڎەی بابەتۍ ئامرازۍ زۋانۍ ھەژمارو من
ورڎ گېڵای
نامۍ کورڎیۍ پەی زاڕۊڵا
کڕۆنۆلۆژیاو ڕۇداۋەکا
گلېرۆکریێ بەکاربەری
چنین گېڵۇ؟
ۋەڵاکریێ کوردیپێدیای
پۊلبەڼی، پېڕبەڼی
بابەتۍ ڕېکۆتییە!
تۊمارکەرڎەی بابەتۍ تازۍ
کېیاستەی ۋېنەی!
چنین دېیەی تۊ
کوردیپێدیا چ جۊرە زانیاریېۋش پەنەۋازۍ ھەنۍ
مەرجو بەکاربەرڎەی
چنینیی بابەتۍ
چە بارەو ئېمە
ئەڕشیڤگەرۍ کوردیپێدیای
بابەتۍ چە بارەو ئېمە!
لینکو کوردیپێدیا دلۍ لینکا پەلیانەکەو وېتەنە بنیەرە
زېیاڎکەرڎەی / لابەرڎەی ئیمەیلی
ئامارو سەردانیکەرا
ئامارو بابەتۍ
فاڕەڕو فۆنتەکا
فاڕای ڕېکۆتو ڕۊژمارەکا
ۋشکنای ڕانۋیسی
زۋان و بنەزۋانو لاپەڕەکا
لینکۍ پەنەۋازۍ
زېیاڎکریاو کوردیپێدیای پەی گوگڵ کڕۆمی
کوردیی ناوەڕاست
کرمانجی - کوردیی سەروو
Kurmancî - Kurdîy Serû
بۇ بە ھامکارو شمە!
کڕېڵەۋاچۊ وېت ۋیرشېیېنە!
 kurdipedia.org 2008 - 2024
 چە بارەو ئېمە
 بابەتۍ ڕېکۆتییە!
 مەرجو بەکاربەرڎەی
 ئەڕشیڤگەرۍ کوردیپێدیای
 چنین دېیەی تۊ
 گلېرۆکریێ بەکاربەری
 کڕۆنۆلۆژیاو ڕۇداۋەکا
 چالاکیۍ - کوردیپێدیا
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ئەسعەد ڕەشید
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ئەسعەد ڕەشید
خان ئەڵماسی لوڕستانی
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
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کتېبۍ PDF 19,729
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ئیسماعیل سابووری
What we know about Kurdipedia?
کوردیپێدیا، ڕۊ بە ڕۊو تارېخو کورڎەسانی و کورڎی منۋیسۊۋە..
پېڕە: کوڵەباس | زۋانو بابەتۍ: English
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پەیلۋاو وېت چە بارەو ئی بابەتۍ بنۋیسە!
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چە گوگڵ پەی بابەتۍ دەسنیشانکریێ گېڵە!
کوردیی ناوەڕاست5
Kurmancî - Kurdîy Serû0

What we know about Kurdipedia?

What we know about Kurdipedia?
What we know about Kurdipedia?
Written by #Azad Karimi#
Drammen, Norway
(Arwaan tempel’s Aturpat & Mashiakh- Zada)

Today's complex world follows the same principle of competition to achieve excellence with the intention of permanence and maintaining interests and drawing an ideal for building the world.
This world, in the mind of each activist, has a specific dimension, scope, shape, and context. All this goes back to the past of the activist, what are his characteristics.
These characteristics, which define the type of perception and view, and understanding of the activist, are fundamental in creating logic and, of course, his type of worldview.
In this period of history, time reacts faster, not because the structure and order of creation have changed, but because the means of communication
between humans have a high transfer rate per unit of time. In the olden days, people used to go to high mountains and send messages to each other by lighting a fire or holding their shining shields in front of the sun and sending messages to each other by shaking them and creating a reflection. Now we communicate with the most distant parts of the world in the shortest time, seconds, through optical fiber and the Internet.
A part of this world of communication is dedicated to social media or virtual networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and the like. In this type of communication, a person will be in contact with others by being a member of these communication-social networks and will also be in touch by sending private messages through messenger or by sharing their experiences from publishing a selfie to publishing articles and his books and videos present his way of looking and through that, he can reflect his thoughts, views, and identity even in the farthest parts of the world. Even though these social networks, a person can share thoughts with his closest friends and members, because probably all of us, due to being involved in daily issues, cannot share our political, religious, cultural, and philosophical thoughts and opinions face-to-face but by broadcasting a recorded video or a live broadcast or an article and note and photo or a link from a website, we show our sensitivity to the events and the quality of their occurrence.
This is how we introduce ourselves but before, shyness, lack of self- confidence, fears, and phobias prevented us from introducing ourselves to others as someone who has the right to speak and express an opinion.
But now we have been able to overcome many of these phobias... we easily publish our thoughts and we can almost identify our like-minded people and our opponents and supporters. Of course, liars are everywhere and they are actively present in the social media space, but anyway, we have to face all these challenges because this is one of the features of the communication and social life of this era.
Through Facebook, I was able to interview 340 people all over the world and I only had direct face-to-face contact with three of them. All three of them are close friends of mine in Norway and I interviewed the rest of them only through correspondence. How interesting and complicated!
In the virtual world, the human shows his identity as an independent person, although he is in the middle of social communication and is a part of social identity, he has independence in expressing his heart's emotions. Of course, other side factors such as the number of friends, the number of likes, and the type of comments and comments on the posts and shared topics changed many relationships and perceptions. I remember that in the early years of Facebook, several people suffered depression and mental breakdowns due to not having many likes and killed themselves. Because they thought that their dignity was exposed to disrespect and insult by the neglect of others. Therefore, having many likes was a sign of identity and popularity. But the truth was different.
For example, I remember that some people used to pay money to buy likes, that is, they bought a few thousand likes so that their account would be repeated more and faster on the Facebook homepage, for example. I wish
those who killed themselves, by buying this kind of like would calm down their injured pride and now they were alive in this world and would not miss the opportunity to live.
Of course, many dirty deeds were also done through social media.
People like me, by writing their notes and articles, tried to make the current chaotic situation better, gentler, and more humane, but they were treated exactly the opposite of these efforts. For example, many of my articles, which were written in a way to correct wrong content, were used exactly against me and the people of Kurdistan!
For example, two months ago, I published something on Facebook about the Yalda festival and the logic of its origin, and the place where this event was manifested for the first time. According to the procedure of most of my research articles, I write at the end that no one has the right to copy and abuse... But exactly the opposite has been done. Of course, this makes me happy because I have got the results of my actions and those are the hasty and thoughtless reactions of those who consider themselves my rivals, enemies, or opponents... and this is the trap I set for them and I have made it so that they fall into it and I say to the whole world: Hmm! Look, these are what I call masked liars, and now they're unmasked liars!
This is the secret of my success, so I don't care how many likes I get or what hackers and intruders think. The important thing is that I shine the sun on the shadow and make the blind mice flee... and the whole world sees it, and this is a very fitting reward for me: to see the sight whose truth I have illuminated...
But the truth is that dirty people with evil thoughts are everywhere, like bacteria, viruses, and other infectious agents. They have entered all the institutions and organizations of mass and administrative communication and try to advance their goals or those of others by disrupting the work routines and goals of these institutions, which are the essence of the efforts and wisdom of humanity by this aim to show that the truth is what they say.
Regarding the article two months ago, I said that the UNESCO organization, disregarding my warning respecting my intellectual and material rights as a researcher and author, and Kurdish nation history declared that the Yalda feast is the cultural heritage of Afghans and Iranians!
This news was announced by a Persian-language media stationed outside of Iran... Of course, I don't know who Afghanistan's representative in UNESCO is, is he from the Taliban group, which is fundamentally opposed to non-Islamic celebrations and ceremonies? and how is it that it claims a great Mithraic feast in his country's name? While the Islamists consider the Mithraists to be magi, magus, and infidels! Or why, one day after the publication of my article, the representatives of these two countries united and coordinated with UNESCO on the same day, and the next day there was a vote in UNESCO, and everyone agreed that Yalda is the national holiday of Persian-speaking Afghans and Iranians! Of course, if UNESCO is a representative of world culture, according to this kind of behavior, it causes misery and misery for world culture and I promise the people of Kurdistan, I will sue UNESCO in international courts.
Yalda is a Syriac word, and Syriacs are a part of the people of Kurdistan and the historical identity of Kurds or Mardokhis, like Armenians, Arameans,
and Hebrews... and we don't remember a Syriac kingdom had rules in Iran or Afghanistan. Now, why Persian speakers in Tehran, Mashhad, Kabul, Ghazni, and Herat have chosen a Syriac word for their alleged national celebration is a big question! Of course, I and many people like us know the answer to this...
Regardless of these stupid lies, this shows the fact that social media is a powerful influencer phenomenon... I leave the follower, like, and comments issue because the size of the impact that a topic published in a virtual space media has on the political and social process is important to me. That's why I don't allow everybody who asks for friendship to enter my Facebook because I don't like to spend my time justifying and teaching one-on-one, I write from the global view, not the view of specific people in a certain area. If I thought so, I would turn my articles into books and sell them on Amazon. But from my point of view, time is very important, I have a personal life in which I should be comfortable and relaxed. So the time I have to write articles is limited and I have to use it well.
Two weeks ago I rewrote and edited one of my old articles called Manifesto and submitted it to Kurdipedia to be archived there. The director of Kurdipedia is one of my close friends and of course, I interviewed with him three months ago and published it.
Mr. #Hawreh Bakhawan# said in this interview that he launched Kurdipedia in 2008 and now more than 13285578 million pdf books, 3903748 relevant files, and 745048 videos have been downloaded through this website reference database and a total of 17934374 million files have been downloaded and taken through this website! (See Related Items)
You can see these statistics in the chart below:
=KTML_Photo_Begin=https://www.kurdipedia.org/files/relatedfiles/2023/462747/0001.JPG=KTML_Photo_Alt=What we know about Kurdipedia?=KTML_Style=width:30%;height:20%;float:left;=KTML_Photo_Target_Link=https://www.kurdipedia.org/files/relatedfiles/2023/462747/0001.JPG=KTML_Photo_End=
Two days after the publication of the manifesto in Kurdipedia, a story started in cyberspace under the name of I give my representation to Prince Reza Pahlavi...
I realized that the regime has moved against me through another conspiracy. Of course, it turned out that my idea is correct and the Iranian regime has allocated several million dollars to create differences among the opponents of the regime in Europe, The United States of America, Canada, and Australia: By doing this, the Iranian regime puts me in the shadow of the competitive controversies of its opponents and also gets time to control its internal opponents.
I consider this type of behavior to be a manifestation of sentimentalism and populism. Even if it is not deceptive, I see it in the low level of behavior of people of past centuries or a kind of unfortunate Shi’aism... Despite all this, this type of behavior is not important in itself, but we all know that I targeted two basic issues in my manifesto: the dissolution of paramilitary
organizations such as the Revolutionary Guards and Shia institutions and also the subject of mother tongue. Precisely, the IRGC and Khamenei's house felt threatened and took action.
What worried the regime and its Persian language opponents was I targeted the idol of Ajam-Parsian identity... I targeted its guardian, its ideology, and the language of its explanation... even the issue of languages and mother tongue scared them more than the issue of the rights of women and gays, and disabled people.
I scared them with a very interesting and enjoyable horror. But it is not enough to scare them, I warned them that the independence of Kurdistan is the best and most appropriate way to free myself and the Kurdish people from this country and the backward and autocratic nation, but to stay in this country, this manifesto( a drop from the ocean of our human demands) must be accepted.
It was a childish and ridiculous reaction against my human goals that is crystallized in my manifesto. They were more nervous than expected because my manifesto was published in English by Kurdipedia.
Rivals of Reza Pahlavi and himself always said that their independence lies in not asking for help from foreign countries, but now they have set out like wandering beggars in Europe and America to gain global support to overthrow the Iranian regime. But which country is willing to give them cannons and tanks or soldiers or satellite war technology?
But I inform these countries, if the regime of the mullahs falls, our war with Tehran will begin. Do you go to war with millions of Kurds in Iran? What benefits will be created for you in the war with the Kurds of Iran? Mullahs and guards destroyed Iran, do you want to spend your money in a ruined
and multicultural country that will be involved in cultural and economic issues for years? You know that I presented my progressive manifesto, in the logic of a modern man like you, why should it be not accepted by the Iranians?
The story turned out the same as I said... Of course, my manifesto is a separate issue from these controversies and competitions because the people of Kurdistan behave very intelligently and fortunately we are in full unity.
We Kurds in Iran have specific demands, parties and ordinary people, leftists, religious people, secularists, laics, atheists, women, and youth of Kurdistan-Iran all have a common demand, which is manifested in the progressive slogan of Jn, Jian, Azadi (Woman, Life, Freedom).=KTML_Photo_Begin=https://www.kurdipedia.org/files/relatedfiles/2023/462747/0002.JPG=KTML_Photo_Alt=What we know about Kurdipedia?=KTML_Style=width:30%;height:20%;float:right;=KTML_Photo_Target_Link=https://www.kurdipedia.org/files/relatedfiles/2023/462747/0002.JPG=KTML_Photo_End=
For those who do not know the story of collective advocacy, I must clarify that in the history of Kurdistan, Ajamestan, and Lurestan, feudal lords ruled villages and nomadic confederations and sometimes cities. Little by little, their dominion became more limited because the Mongols, Qzlbash Turks, and Ottoman Turks came and with violence and authority launched great massacres in the Caucasus, Anatolia, Zagros and Taurus, and the central plains of Iran, and the local rulers became weaker and weaker. To the extent that they were limited to the stage of the head of their tribe and clan. After the collapse of the Safavids, these big and small feudal lords got a chance to express themselves... The wars of the feudal era in the 18th century destroyed Lurestan and Ajamestan(Araq e Ajam).
Kurdistan was safe at that time because Ardalans and Babans and other Kurdish families ruled with authority and order in their emirates. At that
time, Karim Khan, one of the princes of Lak, whose mother (Wagull Khanm) was from the Zangneh clan and his father(Henaq Khan) was from the Zand clan of Kurdistan, decided to unite the scattered clans of Ler. Other Kurdish clans helped him, and he was able to control Borujerd, Shiraz, Arak, Saveh, and Firuzabad and establish a government in the ancient Shawankare region, Shiraz-Kurdistan...
That area was the focus of the Kurdish kings since ancient times... Bouweir and Shwankare region was one of the important states of Kurdistan. There are important monuments of Hawrami Shaliarmaan and Zazayi Sheraali kingdoms and their tombs in luxurious mountain caves in that region.
In Shiraz, Karim Khan used the title of Wakil al-Ruaya for himself. He was the ruler and had the title of Wakil al-Ruaya because the common people were all his Ruaya (tenants) and his subordinates and servants, and the title of Wakil was used for him on this occasion because he, like every ruler and king, made decisions on behalf of the people. He was a good and great man and history remembers him well...But Mr. Reza Pahlavi, who likes the story of this advocacy, thinks he can be another Karim Khan.
It means that everything we earn is spent from the property of the ruler, and we were born tenants and we have no rights, and Mr. Reza Pahlavi (The representative of the tenants-slaves) is the ruler and he decides for us! and now he has embarked on a world tour to show his advanced and ingenious mission to the countries of the free world to recognize him as the ruler of Iran and to help him to stage a coup against the regime with part of the Revolutionary Guards that are against the regime of Islamic Republic, and he will ride on a winged horse and return to the throne with glory and honor, and what Cyrus the Kurd could not finish, he will do!
Interestingly, the famous Iranian football player Ali Karimi, who left Iran two months ago, created this story. He has given the power of attorney to Mr. Reza Pahlavi but the question is, who gave Ali Karimi the right to rule so that he renounces it and gives his right to Reza Pahlavi?
Lying is an evil behavior, but when it reaches the stage of vulgarity, it is a stupid behavior and a wise person does not follow stupidity.
It doesn't matter to us what kind of ruling system the future regime in Iran has or who takes control of the administration of affairs, for us, it is important to realize the inherent and natural rights that are in a democratic, secular, and egalitarian practical program is implemented.
Therefore, we are not concerned about these trivial issues. We do not have a personal war, we are working to create a progressive political and administrative system. We are not worried about throwing the hat of a Shia mullah in Tehran because the majority of Kurdish mullahs showed in the recent revolution that they are looking like the secularists and the leftists and egalitarians to the society and the future. Therefore, the society of Kurdistan has moved past these vulgar things that are prominent among other Iranians.
Everyone who knows me on Facebook knows that my posts have the least likes and comments, so the main issue is the social impact of the content of the works published in the virtual space, not how many thousands of people liked your post by this content: your naked body when you come out from a swimming pool.
Recently, I have focused on a book and am writing it. That's why I don't have time to be active on Facebook...but I can't be indifferent to some issues. Therefore, I spend very limited time in virtual space.
In the last few years, Qelam, the cultural website has been publishing my works, and Kurdipedia has also published and archived my works, for which I am very grateful. Especially Kurdipedia, which has tried to introduce and make me more known by linking my name to Google.
By writing this note, I tried to present my latest views, which are still based on democratic principles and support for human rights, freedom of expression, and gender equality, and of course, I am working for the people of Kurdistan-Iran, and Kurds in the world so that they, as the largest nation without a government, be always dynamic, active, civilized, progressive, and avant-garde and strive for freedom and social justice.
I am proud to write for Kurds all over the world to let them know that they are not alone and I reread, rewrite, and publish their national and identity history so that their names, actions, and high level of ancient culture will not be lost and disappear in the stupid racism and evil religious and sectarian apartheid of others.
By serving the Kurds, I serve the truth and humanity, so my actions are in line with serving all the people of the world and I am proud of it.
In the end, I say that anyone in Iran who thinks that they can control Kurdistan by repeating history is wrong because trampling a plant in Kurdistan by them will be accompanied by the destruction of tree branches and the uprooting of their trees.
I see the fear of my opponents became more apparent after the publication of my manifesto. They have done many bad things against me and my
people. They have to try hard to prove their sincerity because there is a high wall of mistrust between us. It is their job to remove this wall because they created it and we will not pay for their mistakes. We use our energy for useful and standard tasks.
I am grateful to Kurdipedia and its administrators, especially Mr. Hawre Bakhawan also I am grateful to my good friend Dr. Haval Najad who suggested to me years ago to be a part of the free circulation of information, knowledge, and the Kurdish culture world by sending my biography and works to Kurdipedia.
Woman, Life, Freedom! 28-01-2023
Drammen, Norway [1]
ئی بابەتۍ بە زۋانی (English) نۋیسیێنە، پەی ئەۋەکەرڎەی بابەتەکۍ بە زۋانېۋ کە نۋیسێنە، سەرو ئایکۆنو ی کلیک کەرە!
This item has been written in (English) language, click on icon to open the item in the original language!
ئی بابەتۍ 22,972 جارۍ ۋینیێنە
[1] پەڕیانە | English | Send to Kurdipedia by (auditor) on 28-01-2023
فایلی پەیوەڼیدار: 3
بابەتۍ پەیۋەڼدریێ: 7
ڕېکۆتۍ و ڕۇداۋۍ (کڕۆنۆلۆژیا)
پېڕە: کوڵەباس
زۋانو بابەتۍ: English
ڕېکۆتو ۋەڵاکەرڎەی: 28-01-2023 (1 ساڵە)
جۊرو بەڵگەنامەی: زۋانی یەکەم
جۊرو ۋەڵاکەرڎەی: دیجیتاڵ
زۋان - بنەزۋان: ئینگلیزی
کتېب - کوڵەباس: مێدیا
کتېب - کوڵەباس: ھەمەجۊرە
تایبەتمەڼییۍ تەکنیکیۍ
خاۋەنو ئی بابەتۍ مافو ۋەڵاکەرڎەیش بە کوردیپێدیای بەخشان! یان بابەتەکۍ کۊنە ھەنە، یان بابەتەکۍ بەشېۋەنە چە خاۋەنداریی گرڎینەیی.
چنینیی بابەتۍ: 99%
ئی بابەتۍ جە لایەنو: ( زریان سەرچناری )یۆ جە: 30-01-2023 تۊمارەکریێنە
ئی بابەتۍ چە لایەنو: ( هاوڕێ باخەوان ) چە: 30-01-2023 پۊرەلۋای کریێنە و ئازاڎە کریێنە
ئی بابەتۍ پەی دمایین جاری جە لایەنو:( هاوڕێ باخەوان )یۆ جە:31-01-2023 خاستەرە کریێنە
لینکو بابەتۍ
ئی بابەتۍ بەپاو ستانداردۍو کوردیپێدیای ھەڵای ناتەمامە ھەنە و پەنەۋازییش بە پۊرەلۋای بابەتیی و زۋانەۋانیی فرەتەری ھەن!
ئی بابەتۍ 22,972 جارۍ ۋینیێنە
فایېلۍ پېۋەدریێ - ڤێرشن
جۊر ڤێرشن نامۊ تۊمارکەری
فایلو ۋېنەی 1.0.220 KB 31-01-2023 هاوڕێ باخەوانهـ.ب.
فایلو ۋېنەی 1.0.158 KB 30-01-2023 زریان سەرچناریز.س.
کوردیپێدیا گۆرەتەرین سەرچەمەی فرەزۋانیی پەی زانیارییە کورڎییا
مستەفا زەڵمی
ڕۆمان ڕۊمانا... نە ڕۊمانە و نە ڕازە و نە هیچی تەر
بەڵخەی وارین و تایلەکۍ و چن باسێو
قەدرو تاتەی
خورشید خانمەی داواشی
ئیسماعیل سابووری
ڕۊژماری هۆرامی (8)
گیٛجاوەو ژیوای
عەباسی کەمەندی
تۊرەکە پەڕ ساۋەکە
محەمەد عارف جزیری
یاڎو پەنجا ساڵەو سەرکۆتەو ژڵېوەو ئاپۆیینە
پیێوە واچۍ
شێخ عوسمان نەقشبەندی
گەشتیار کېن

خورشید خانمەی داواشی
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
خورشید خانمەی داواشی
سەید ئەکابیری خامۆشی
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
سەید ئەکابیری خامۆشی
شێخ عوسمان نەقشبەندی
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
شێخ عوسمان نەقشبەندی
عەباسی کەمەندی
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
عەباسی کەمەندی
ئیسماعیل سابووری
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
ئیسماعیل سابووری
تۊماری تازە
مستەفا زەڵمی
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
ئیسماعیل سابووری
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
عەباسی کەمەندی
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
شێخ عوسمان نەقشبەندی
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
محەمەد عارف جزیری
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
سەید ئەکابیری خامۆشی
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
شێخ مستەفا تەختەیی
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
خان ئەڵماسی لوڕستانی
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
محەمەدی مەلا کەریم
ئەسعەد ڕەشید
بابەتۍ 523,701
ۋېنۍ 105,970
کتېبۍ PDF 19,729
فایلی پەیوەڼیدار 98,906
ڤیدیۆ 1,422
کوردیپێدیا گۆرەتەرین سەرچەمەی فرەزۋانیی پەی زانیارییە کورڎییا
مستەفا زەڵمی
ڕۆمان ڕۊمانا... نە ڕۊمانە و نە ڕازە و نە هیچی تەر
بەڵخەی وارین و تایلەکۍ و چن باسێو
قەدرو تاتەی
خورشید خانمەی داواشی
ئیسماعیل سابووری
ڕۊژماری هۆرامی (8)
گیٛجاوەو ژیوای
عەباسی کەمەندی
تۊرەکە پەڕ ساۋەکە
محەمەد عارف جزیری
یاڎو پەنجا ساڵەو سەرکۆتەو ژڵېوەو ئاپۆیینە
پیێوە واچۍ
شێخ عوسمان نەقشبەندی
گەشتیار کېن
ۋاچۍ و دەسەۋاچۍ - وڵات - هەرېم - وەرکۆتو کورڎەسانی ۋاچۍ و دەسەۋاچۍ - وڵات - هەرېم - پانیشتو کورڎەسانی ۋاچۍ و دەسەۋاچۍ - زۋان - بنەزۋان - ھۆرامی (کرمانجیی گۊرانی) ھۊنیێ - جۊرو ھۊربەسۍ - کلاسیک ھۊنیێ - کېشو ھۊربەسۍ - عەروزی ھۊنیێ - پۆلێنو ھۊربەسۍ - دڵداری ھۊنیێ - پۆلێنو ھۊربەسۍ - عیرفانی

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