کوردیی ناوەڕاست - Central Kurdish 294,243
Kurmancî - Upper Kurdish (Latin) 91,336
هەورامی - Kurdish Hawrami 66,543
عربي - Arabic 33,439
کرمانجی - Upper Kurdish (Arami) 20,920
فارسی - Farsi 11,813
English - English 7,917
Türkçe - Turkish 3,701
Deutsch - German 1,849
لوڕی - Kurdish Luri 1,690
Pусский - Russian 1,144
Français - French 349
Nederlands - Dutch 131
Zazakî - Kurdish Zazaki 91
Svenska - Swedish 72
Polski - Polish 56
Español - Spanish 55
Italiano - Italian 52
Հայերեն - Armenian 52
لەکی - Kurdish Laki 37
Azərbaycanca - Azerbaijani 27
日本人 - Japanese 21
中国的 - Chinese 20
Norsk - Norwegian 18
Ελληνική - Greek 16
עברית - Hebrew 16
Fins - Finnish 12
Português - Portuguese 10
Тоҷикӣ - Tajik 9
Ozbek - Uzbek 7
Esperanto - Esperanto 7
Catalana - Catalana 6
Čeština - Czech 5
ქართველი - Georgian 5
Srpski - Serbian 4
Kiswahili سَوَاحِلي - 3
Hrvatski - Croatian 3
балгарская - Bulgarian 2
हिन्दी - Hindi 2
Lietuvių - Lithuanian 2
қазақ - Kazakh 1
Cebuano - Cebuano 1
ترکمانی - Turkman (Arami Script) 1
Group English
Parties & Organizations 36
Clan - the tribe - the sect 18
Environment of Kurdistan 1
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Group: Library | Articles language: عربي - Arabic
Linked items: 2 Items Property Technical Metadata Added by ( Hawreh Bakhawan ) on 28-08-2013 This item recently updated by ( Hawreh Bakhawan ) on: 28-08-2013 Title This item according to Kurdipedia's Standards is not finalized yet! This item has been viewed 2,250 times
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28-08-2013 | Hawreh BakhawanH.B. |