By: Ghafour Makhmouri*
Kurdistan People have been striving along the history. Despite the efforts for destroying Kurdistan people and its land, but the Kurds could protect its existance and stand against enemy attacks and stand stronger after any failure.
Kurds as a survived nation of the Middle East has played an active role in building the civilization of the region in the past. If it has given a chance, they would play a better role in the building of a modern and democratic society in the Middle East, and they could show the world a succeful rule of coexistance. This can be done when Kurds are independent and have its own state.
As a nation of the Middle East, Kurds has played important role on building the civilization of the area. If they had given chance, Kurds were able to play more important role in building a modern and democratic society in the Middle East. They could show a live example of ruling and living together to the world. Of course this could be done when Kurdistan people has its own independent state.
The independence of Kurdistan which is the hot topic of the international, regional and local media recently has been the subject of study of the political and academic centers of the world. This is caused to have more freinds and look at us with them of hope. Kurdistan people and leadership should get benifit from this opporunity and work together for the indepency of Kurdistan and make it a national case.
For this purpose, Kurdistan political medium should get reorganized and get saved from the current situation. (Kurdistan Political Assembly) should be formed from all the political paries.
Forming (Kurdistan Political Assembly) will become a strong factor for the unity of Kurdish people and reorganizing political power of the Kurdish people. It also becomes a beginning of normalizing and ending political tension among the political parties. It also becomes a strong political tribune on the local and international level.
After forming the (Kurdistan Political Assembly), Kurdish leadership should form (Kurdistan Independency Board) in order to prepare a comprehensive agenda for the refrandum and stepping towards independency of Kurdistan. For this purpose we can get benifit from other nations experience.
(Kurdistan Independency Board) should contain from experts of international law and famous and active Kurdish and international people in order to create lobby for the independency of Kurdistan. They should be people who own experience and power. We have good friends for this purpose.
The case of (Kurdistan independency) is a national case, so all the parties, ethnical and religios components should participate in this case and take their views in to consideration. This can make all the parties consider this case as their case and work for.
The current opportunity of Kurdistan people is a historical opportunity that we should get benifit from and not to lose. We should not sucrifise this case for the political interests. We should think about our main interest which is Kurdish case.
If we could take benifit from this historical opportunity and worked together for the independency of Kurdistan then we have recorded a historical achivement for our nation. But if we failed to do so, then history will not be merciful with us. We should work with a national sence and take Kurdistan to a safe port which is Kurdistan independency and establishment of Kurdistan state.
*General Secretary of Kurdistan Democratic National Union YNDK