Burhan Mustafa Isamail known as Burhan Siyawi was born in 1964 in Siyaw village of of Shamamk of #Erbil#. He was married her wife’s name was Sabria Hamadamin and had two sons with the names Aras and Aram. He joined the citie's Intelligence Organization of PUK in 1982 then joined the peshmarga forces in 1986, he was in sector 4 of 87th division of Qarachugh.
He fought many fights including:- the fight of Degala, Saqiya, Smaqooli, Bna bawe, Taq Taq, Koya street, and many towns and areas around Erbil. Unfortunately he passed away on #31-08-1988# in Koona Kotr mountain.[1]