The Yezidi Religious Music: A First Step in the Analysis of the Acoustic Shape of Qewls.
Estelle AMY DE LA BRETÈQUE and Khanna OMARKHALI, 'The Yezidi Religious Music: A First Step in the Analysis of the Acoustic Shape of Qewls', in OMARKHALI, Kh. and KREYENBROEK, Ph.G. (special eds.), Oral Tradition among Religious Communities in the Iranian-Speaking World, Special issue of Oral Tradition, vol. 35, Number 2, Harvard University, Cambridge, 2022. E-ISSN 1542-4308, pp. 309–330. While the Yezidi religious textual tradition, including its collection, translation, and analysis, has already become a separate subject of investigation in the field of Yezidi Studies, its religious music remains largely unstudied. Based on the analysis of Yezidi religious vocal performances, this contribution aims at understanding the concept and uses of kubrî (“melody”), as well as the relation between text and music. The meaning of a particular oral “genre,” or a category, depends not merely on the text and its verbal performance, but also on rich nonverbal features, such as music and the special role of instruments, ritual ceremonies, the interaction between the reciter and his audience, and so forth. This exploratory study is a first step towards an understanding of the acoustic shape of the Yezidi religious hymns, Qewls, based on two religious hymns. [1]
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