Transmission of cultural patterns among young Kurdish migrants in Istanbul.
Karol Kaczorowski.
Migration and the transmission of cultural patterns, Krakov, 2016.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze phenomena connected with transmission of cultural patterns between Turkey's South-Eastern (‘Kurdish’) region called by Kurds ‘Northerns Kurdistan’ and Istanbul. The chapter includes but also remarks on transmission between the communities of young Kurdish migrants and the host society of the multicultural metropolis. The latter itself consists in more than 80% of migrants born outside of the Istanbul (see: Akaraca and Tansel 2014). I will present partial results of an ongoing research project concerning social construction of ethnic identity among young Kurds internally migrating to the country’s capital city from other parts of Turkey . In the first part of the chapter some general information are provided concerning Kurdish culture and region perceived by them as homeland. I will also describe the specificity of the city of Istanbul seen from the point of view of internal migration in Turkey and a brief history of relations between the Turkish state and the Kurds. In the following parts, the Relative Acculturation Extended Model and Antonina Kłoskowska's theory of culturalization are cited as theoretical frameworks of the following analysis. The last paragraphs are devoted to examples of ways of cultural transmission among young Kurdish migrants in Istanbul. [1]
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