He was born in 1940 in Denizli, western Turkey. After graduating from the Department of Finance at the College of Political Sciences of Ankara University, he went to the University of Poitiers in France to obtain his doctorate on the economic development of society. After this he conducted extensive social research on imperialism and socialism. After returning to Turkey, he was drafted, but was transferred and punished several times for failing to follow military discipline. After this period, he published The Bankruptcy of the State Paradigm. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison by the Turkish Supreme Court on the grounds that the book rejects the official ideology of the state. After this he founded the Azad University and continued his work. The Turkish professor is one of the strongest supporters of the Kurds in Turkish public opinion. Along with Beşkçi and Haluk Gargar, he is known as a taboo-breaker in Turkish and international public opinion.[1]