She was born on 29-11-1976 in the foothills of Mount Assos. His father's ancestry goes back to Mir Hassan Mawat who later migrated to East Kurdistan. Mir Hassan's descendants are invited to Marasana, who settled in southern and eastern Kurdistan. Her mother is from Qaladze and belongs to a religious family. Because she was born into a political family, the many mountains, plains, villages and cities of South Kurdistan have left their mark on her intellectual, social and political development. In the year 1996, her father, his family and his father's brothers and sisters moved to Sweden after being granted political asylum and a residence permit.
After studying languages at the University of Uppsala, she received a bachelor's degree in literature and took courses in cultural studies, ethnology and gender. Her bachelor's degree was a feminist reading of Maria Gripe's novel Skuggan äver stenbänken. She moved to the UK to work on Middle Eastern literature for her master's degree at the University of Exeter in the Middle East Department. Her research was a critical reading of the novels of Bakhtiar Ali and Ata Nahayi.
She was later accepted for a PhD in the Department of Kurdish Studies to work on the exploration of the political identity and gender of Kurdish political memories. Unfortunately, due to the unfavorable circumstances of her life at the time, she could not continue and after a year he gave up her research and returned to Stockholm.
She published a book of poetry in 2005 and translated some literary criticism into Kurdish.[1]