Rashka clan
The Rashka clan is one of the most famous Yazidi clans in courage and equestrian arts. They were famous for raising sheep and goats and breeding horses, and the Rashka clan is considered the owners of black tents, and they are one of the traveling clans in search of green pastures in the peaks and hills of zuzan between Sarhad and Butan island ..Their original homeland is considered to be in the province of Sarhad, and the island of khiwas and the villages of shisma in Lake Wan, and they are called the Rashka clan after their great-grandfather Rashan and their leader is Kalu Agha in ancient times . The clan was subjected to many campaigns of extermination and invasions by the power of the sword and greed for their money and their many flocks of sheep by the soldiers of the princes of Butan island until the end of the emirate of Butan in 1847 by the Ottomans, where each family had a flock of sheep and goats numbering up to 1000 head of sheep and goats and many of their horses. That is why they were always attacked by the soldiers of the princes of Butan Island, the only one who escaped with his skin and was able to remain a Yezidi was the descendants of barkhi Yezi Rusho who came and lived in derbun, qarula, Bagda village, and then to the village of Zammar, the village of Sofia and Sinjar, and currently the descendants of the Rushka clan are divided into a number of thighs, Hamka thigh...Hasna's thigh...Mam Rasha's thigh ..My money was soggy ..Kadri's thigh ..Hafenda's thigh...Brandy's thigh. Some of the malbats live in the land of Sinjar, others live in the village of zenyat in the Dushta dubani.The family of khadida Muttu and the family of Afdu khadida Muttu became famous among the Rashka clan and they built a large palace in the Twenties of the last century around 1890 ad in the village of Ain Ghazal near the village of Tel Banat. The palace of Kheda is called Mutu، And there was a leader among the rashkan clan, and he was one of the rich of the clan at that time, and he owned more than 3000 sheep, and he was known in the Turkish regions and had relations with the authorities and with badarkhan Bey at that time, and his name was blue PSKA rashkani, and for information, the rashkan clan had a heroic and resolute position to defend the neighboring Yazidi villages in the Duban area, especially the old khank village when it was attacked by Arab tribes, and the rashkan men had an important role to defend them and repel the Arab attacks, and the latter fled when they heard Al-rashkan، One of the most famous knights of the well-known Rashka clan is Murat Ali.. And Tajideen rashki and Mam said، The Rashka clan, the sebka clan and the Maska clan were subjected to a campaign of extermination in 1770 in the sarhda region near Lake Wan by order of Sultan Mustafa, when the Ottoman army returned and lost in battle, they launched an enemy campaign against the Yazidi clans sebka, Rashka and Maska for the greed of livestock, horses and money.[1]