Surchi clan:
Surchi clan, which is a large Ancient Kurdish clan, and a large part of them live in Eastern Kurdistan, and another part live in #Rawanduz# and #Akre#, and in Rawanduz they are neighbors of the #Harki# clan And in the documents of Al-Iraqiya, it is mentioned that the Surchi clan is affiliated with Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, and this is pure lies and slander. The policy of the Iraqi regimes was to try to remove the Kurdish lineage from the Kurdish clans and attach them to Arab personalities. The Surchi clan and the Melan clan led by Timur, the leader of the Melan, and in the year 1815 Mardin became under the control of the Surchi clan. In the year 1815, Yunus Agha, the head of the Dashi clan, attacked the city of Mardin, and a battle took place between him and the Surchi. In the year 1818, by order of the governor of Baghdad, 10,000 ten thousand horsemen attacked the The city of Mardin, in order to expel the Suruchis from it, but the Suruchis won in this battle, and in this battle the Suruchi allianced with the Al-Mulan clan repelled the attack of the forces of the governor of Baghdad and Won the Fight, For more you can review the book The History of Mardin by the author Abdul Salam Effendi, which contains sufficient information about these battles and the Surchi clan ans their situations,problems, Alliances and Fights through the history . The Source: Adham Ali, and translated To English By Kurdipedia, Vazhan Kshto.[1] [2]