He was born in 1955 in the Sarchomi Walikhan neighborhood of #Saqiz# City. He completed his primary, secondary, and university education in Bana, Saqiz, and Sanandaj schools. He has been interested in Kurdish literature since childhood and has written many poems. He is now an elementary teacher. He has been interested in Kurdish literature since childhood and is now a primary school teacher.
His published works include:
1- Happiness...f or children... poem
2- Peace... for children... poem
3- The Immaculate World... For Children... poem
4- Ant and pigeon...for children.. poem
5- Pain...for children...story
6- Bayboon... poem
7- Shadow of Imagination...Poem
8- A trip to Erbil.........travel book
9- Taqila... Poem
10- Don't talk funny... Satire
11- Kani Evin... A discussion on the fountain of Kasnazan
12- Gardanband Abi. (Blue Bracelet) Translation.
Works ready for publication:
1- Crazy and Wise... for children... story
2- Flag... for children...story
3- Nyan and the butterfly... for children...story
4- Fruit and shell... Analysis.[1]