He was born in the year 1957 in the city of Rawandz.
He received a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Mosul University.
He was a high school teacher for four years (1980-1984).
He holds a Master's Degree in Journalism and Translation (2000-2002).
In 1978 he joined the PUK organizations.
In the mid-1980s, he was arrested by the Iraqi security agencies and joined the Kurdistan Peshmerga forces.
He worked in the organizations and media of the PUK in the mountains and remained in the Peshmerga until the 1991 uprising.
He has been awarded the Integral Veterans Gold Medal.
In 1974, he published his first article.
He was one of the founding members of the newspaper Kurdistani Nwe (1992) and later became its editor-in-chief.
He served as writing director and later as deputy editor at the first graduation meeting of Al-Ittihad.
He is currently the editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper Al-Ittihad in Baghdad.
He has written hundreds of political articles and columns in both Kurdish and Arabic.
Two books are under publication in Arabic and three others are ready for publication.
He speaks Kurdish, Arabic, English, and Persian.
From 2004-2005, he was a member of the Iraqi Parliament (National Assembly).
Since 2005, he has been a member of the Iraqi Parliament and a member of the Security and Defense Committee.
He is the spokesman of the Kurdistan Alliance list in the Iraqi parliament.
He has participated in 23 international conferences and seminars on Iraq and Kurdish issues in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the United States.
He married in 1991 and has two sons and a daughter.
Candidate of the Kurdistan Alliance list in Erbil province for the 2010 Iraqi parliamentary elections.[1]