Title: BAYRAKTAR DIPLOMACY: An analysis of the role of drones as a remote warfare tactic in foreign policy
Author: Anne Po
Place of publication: Netherlands
Publisher: Radboud University Nijmegen
Release date: 2023
Over the past decade, Turkey’s drone capabilities have grown rapidly and are playing an increasingly important role in its approach to Syria. Turkey has conducted several cross-border military operations and a drone-campaign in Syria, with numerous social and economic consequences on the ground. This thesis examines the role of remote warfare practices in the evolution of Turkish foreign policy towards northern Syria between 2015 and 2023. It moves beyond the Western perspective on remote warfare to an expanded understanding of change and continuity in its implementation around the world. Using practice theory, this thesis examines the remoteness of Turkey’s military operations in Syria through expert interviews and highlights its differences and similarities to Western practice. This thesis develops the concept of strategic practice by analyzing the intra-dimensions of its three elements, objectives, tactics, and benefits. It does so by examining how increasing drone capabilities affect the goals pursued and advantages gained in Turkey’s remote operations. However, the results are inconclusive due to the wide range of opinions among interviewees. Nevertheless, this thesis shows that drones play a dominant role in Turkish foreign policy and recommends practice theory for future research on the relationship between remote tactics and foreign policy. [1]