Title: RETURNING TO SINJAR: Challenges, Opportunities, and Dimensions of Conflict.
Author: Saad Salloum
Place of publication: Baghdad
Publisher: International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Release date: 2020
This study aims to support the Government of Iraq (GoI), the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), and the international community to make informed choices regarding the future of the Yazidi community and sustainable solutions for resolving the displacement of Yazidi IDPs, particularly in light of the recent Sinjar Agreement, which was signed between the GoI and KRG in October 2020 and concerns the administration of Sinjar.
This study pursues three objectives:
1. Understand how political conflict regarding the administration of Sinjar affects the return and reintegration of Yazidi IDPs.
2. Understand how divisions within the Yazidi community affect the sustainability of IDP return.
3. Identify ways for national and international actors to address these issues. [1]
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