Title: The Baghdad Pact Anglo-American defence policies in the Middle East, 1950–1959
Author: Behçet Kemal Yes¸ilbursa
Place of publication: US
Publisher: Frank Cass
Release date: 2005.
This book explores the formation of the Baghdad Pact and Anglo-American defence policies in the Middle East, 1950-1959. It determines the aims with which the pact was established; the failings of the pact, and the struggle that was undertaken against it by hostile countries. It examines the events surrounding the formation, development and collapse of the pact, and Anglo-American attempts to contain the Soviet Union in the Middle East. It also deals with British and American policies towards the pact and Middle Eastern defence. It seeks to examine British and American post-war defence policies in the Middle East and their collective defence projects in the region, such as the Middle .[1]
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