Location: Shameran/ ahmaw bag part village. It was Rashame(12th month in Kurdish calendar equivalent to February), the sky was clean and unique, plains and fields had a green and wonderful godly created picture. It was the pollination season of all kinds of vegetables and flowers, it was the appearance season of kangr, haz, rewas, pichk, and Kurdish medications, it was a silent sky and atmosphere, no voice would be heard other than the voice of shaking neck-worn animal bells, which were taken to the pasture before the Sunday rise, their voice would be heard quietly.
After preparing breakfast for her children, madam Jamila grabbed her shovel and white plastic bag, hoping to gather two meals for her family from the spring vegetables including haz, kangr, and gozrawan, and spend one more day with the hunger of their life.
Kurd is a nation that has always been judged and was under control of other nations and always was abroad or refugees. An international siege on Iraq and closing every door and gate in front of the people which was a path for them to earn some food.
The Iraqis where hungry and rotten, a priceless currency and expensive items and food, hunger was spread between the people other than the economic siege, the Kurdish people in the south had another Iraqi siege on them, they did not let fuels, food nor other stuff to be transported to Kurdistan region which made the people very upset.
If the water and land of Kurdistan was not good and the smuggling doors of Iran and turkey were not open, Kurdistan would be a big graveyard and their people would lay without any concern and this except all the explosive mine which covered the land of Kurdistan inch by inch, a time when the people demonstrated and then returned, they returned, they returned into a destroyed and ruined land covered with explosives and mines from eight years’ war between Iraq and Iran and the number of mine and explosive victims after the war is dramatically larger than the ones who were killed in that war by machine guns and missile launchers.
If the effort of the international organizations and the commando civils like wshyar byawelaii which took the land of Kurdistan inch by inch to uncover the mines were not taken, then none of the Kurdistan regions which were the battlefield of the war would be useful to be lived on.
Yes, that morning after the sun was drying the wetness of the plants, in their village(shameran) Ahmaw bag part, madam Jamila went far away and climbed the highlands of shameran. Payman and Soran were two beautiful children accompanying their mother. Another woman got out of the village, she was their relative and followed the mom and two children, and time by time she would stop and dig with her shovel and taking out a big kangr with its root, after that she cleans it and puts it in her bag.
Madam Jamila and her children were looking and searching for places with green and fresh vegetables.
The mom time to time was calling her children not to go far from her, as she well knew that their land still smells death, she was frightened of that invisible mines, she was telling herself “has the land been cleared from mines?”, “what if the mines hid themselves to explode on someone?”, she was feeling good as she was thinking that the cows have been through this land and nothing has happened, god bless.
They were picking kangr till the afternoon, Soran and Payman took out a dry bread and were eating it, and their bag is getting filled and thanks god they finished the gathering. The mom said let’s pick these two, three fresh roots and then we will go home, the other woman has finished as well and came near them, they wanted to pick the fresh kangr and clean it, they stepped forward and in a sudden a volcano exploded under the feet of sixteen years old Payman! The voice of the explosion in the mountains and valleys combined with the cry of the mom and children. The birds were scared and flew away, the sheep in the mountains spread.
The father Hama Sur was praying back home, when he heard the explosion voice he quickly finished the pray and put on his shoes, he was moving toward the voice like a crazy man, he already knew he won't get home without a victim.
When the smoke of the explosion disappeared four bodies where floating in blood, the shoulders of madam Jamila where injured and she was trying to stand still, but because of her children she couldn’t think about herself, she crawled to her children quickly, she checked Soran and he was alive, she felt a little better, after that she crawled to Payman, she shook Payman but she didn’t move and didn’t breathe, the other woman was injured in her legs. Four bodies were floating in blood combined with the dirt and spring plants.
The father got to the tractor in the mid-way to the accident location, Rostam Ali was a teenager and was from Kani kawa village when he heard the explosion voice, he quickly ignites his tractor and tries to get to the explosion location, the Shamerani people where used to live with sound of explosions, missiles and dynamite, before that many people were the victim. If any sound would be heard everybody would go toward the sound. When Hama Sur and Rostam arrived at the victim's location, they grab them and put them into the trailer of the tractor. Hama Sur will be in the trailer and hugs Payman’s head and cries over his little girl. And Soran's leg fell off and was put next to him, he is bleeding a lot, the mother covers his legs with her scarf. Soran and Payman were twelve and sixteen years old, two butterflies were hoping in life, they were happy that they collected spring vegetables of Shameran but death kidnapped and were two bodies in the blood, their color changed from flower red to Zaafaran yellow, the trailer was filled with their blood. After the brave and active Rostam stepped on the gas pedal, they were on their way to Darbandikhan, they reached the Darbandikhan’s hospital.
Soran was unconscious because of the continuous bleeding, and he became a soulless body just like his sister. His parents thought he will die as well. After the staff did nothing with lack of medications and ambulance, the relatives were looking and searching for a car rent to get the victims quickly to Sulaymaniyah emergency, four volks wagen taxis were taken to get all four victims to Sulaymaniah. After madam Jamila and the other woman got treated, Payman with Soran's legs were got on their way to heaven. Then Soran becomes an emergency patient and friend of Italian doctor Gino. European and international organizations, had a huge role in the construction and serving Kurdistan civils, from the smallest thing until it gets to picking mines, opening the emergency hospital, and explosion victims and opening schools and construction projects, which were funded on volunteered people of that country. We shouldn't look at the political mechanism and their people on the same level. The country does politics and politics doesn’t have a point in challenging and crossing the lines of violating the opponent. The European countries were in the lead of the colonialism countries, they had a strong political and they colonized poor countries. In politics there is no mercy and feelings, when he is with his dog, he puts his hand on the dog, at that moment he orders thousands of iron and dynamite to be thrown into poor civil people. But the west part was always friendly, the organization is funded on them, they don’t think about color, language, and border and when they find someone who needs help they do their job. Yes, twelve-year-old Soran was emergency’s guest for longer than a month, he was friends with all patients, doctors, staff and hospital servants. After that, with their help, an artificial leg was made and was sent to school and bought a bicycle for him to finish school. After years Soran became a teacher and the pain and suffering were a part of history, but his patience and trusting in himself gives hopes to all the ones who get in trouble and loses a part of their body, he told them not to be pessimistic, they should trust themselves and make pessimistic a failure, now Soran's lesson is a story to be told in emergency organization in Italy, which came from, to give hope for the kids and patients and forgive failure and give them energy.
Sarhad Yunis Muhammed
Soran in this video which was taken in 1997 in emergency, is in the children queue with a Kurdish sharwal (Kurdish traditional kind of pants) puts on his artificial legs and play with the ball.
written by :Sarhad Younis Muhammad
Translated by : Ali A. Ali
My doctor :Gino Strada [2]