He was born in the year 1980 in the Dehloran city of the #Ilam# province. 15 days after his birth the war between Iran and the Ba'ath regime starts, he and his family traveled to the Kurdish city of Abdanan which has its entire population Kurdish. He studied in the refugee camp until the fifth grade of primary school, where he lived a normal life. In the year 1991, he returned to the Dehloran city.
Khairullah is a graduate of the Architecture Branch of the Technical College of Engineering of theKermanshah University. He began writing and directing theatre plays in the year 2000 and has written and directed several plays by himself, including Who is the Dinosaur, Rostam, and Sohrab, Who is the Student, Cricket, God, and Atomic Hamlet , If This Key Is Lost and many other theatrical productions.
Saeed Khairollahhi has participated in many Iranian theater festivals, including Fajr International Street Theater Festival in Tehran, Marivan Street Theater Festival, Iranian Students International Theater Festival in Tehran, Moon Theater Festival, and many other theater festivals.[1]